-- 作者:ajie5211
-- 发布时间:2017/5/27 18:11:00
Dim dyj As String = GetConfigValue("_zlddyj",DefaultPrinter) Dim Book As New XLS.Book(ProjectPath & "Attachments\\订单计划一览表.xls") Dim Sheet As XLS.Sheet Dim fl As String = ProjectPath & "Reports\\订单计划一览表.xls" Book.Build() \'生成细节区 Sheet = Book.Sheets(0) Sheet(2,0).Value = e.Form.Controls("日期周对应").text Sheet(2,4).Value = e.Form.Controls("组别").text & " 人数:" & e.Form.Controls("人数").text & " 加班日" & _ "产能:" & e.Form.Controls("加班日产能").text & " 不加班日产能:" & e.Form.Controls("不加班日产能").text & " 日" & _ "总线:" & e.Form.Controls("日总线").text \'With Sheet.PrintSetting \'.Footer = "&C第&P页,总&N页 &R制表:黄细兵 审核:" \'.PaperKind = 9 \'设为A4纸 \'.LandScape = True \'横向打印 \'.MarginLeft = 10 \'左右边距设为20毫米 \'.MarginRight = 10 \'.MarginTop = 10 \'上下边距设为15毫米 \'.MarginBottom = 15 \'.AutoScale = False \'End With Book.Save(fl) \'保存工作簿 Dim App As New MSExcel.Application Dim Wb As MSExcel.WorkBook = App.WorkBooks.Open(fl) Dim Ws As MSExcel.WorkSheet = Wb.WorkSheets(1) Dim Rg As MSExcel.Range = Ws.Cells \'Rg.WrapText = True \'Rg.EntireColumn.AutoFit \'自动调整列宽 Rg.EntireRow.AutoFit \'自动调整行高 With Ws.PageSetup .PrintTitleRows = Ws.Rows("2:4").Address \'打印行标题(在每一页的顶部重复出现) \'设置页面 .PaperSize = MSExcel.XlPaperSize.xlPaperA4 \'纸张大小 .LeftMargin = 10 \'页面左边距 .RightMargin = 10 \'页面右边距 .TopMargin = 20 \'页面顶部边距 .BottomMargin = 20 \'页面底部边距 .FooterMargin = 5 \'页脚到页面底端的距离 .CenterHorizontally = True \'页面水平居中 \'设置页脚 .CenterFooter = "第 &P 页 共 &N 页" \'中页脚为空 .RightFooter = "制表:黄细兵 审核:_______" \'右页脚 \'打印模式 .Orientation = MSExcel.xlPageOrientation.xlLandscape \'横向打印 \'缩放打印 .Zoom = 102 \'以下设置将缩印在一页内 End With Dim pntn As String = GetConfigValue("_zlddyj",DefaultPrinter) \'Wb.PrintOut(Copies:=4,ActivePrinter:=pntn) App.Visible = True Wb.Save Wb.PrintPreview Wb.Close App.Quit \'Dim Proc As New Process \'打开工作簿 \'Proc.File = fl \'Proc.Verb = "Print" \'指定动作 \'Proc.Start()