-- 作者:刘林
-- 发布时间:2017/10/27 9:03:00
-- 打印变方向
Dim tbl As Table = Tables("初中报名_table4") Dim dr As DataRow= tbl.DataTable.find("[考试室] is null") If dr IsNot Nothing MessageBox.show("你的考试室设置没有完成,请设置好考试室再回来打印门牌") Else Dim doc As New PrintDoc doc.PageSetting.Landscape = True Dim rt As Prt.RenderTable Dim rx As prt.RenderText Dim ColNames As String() = New String(){"年级","起始考号", "终止考号"} Dim Rows As List(Of DataRow) Dim Regions As List(Of String) = tbl.DataTable.GetValues("考试室") \'\'\'\'改后句子 Dim rm As prt.RenderEmpty Doc.PageSetting.LeftMargin = 20 \'设置左边距 Doc.PageSetting.RightMargin = 20 \'设置右边距 Doc.PageSetting.TopMargin = 50 \'设置上边距 Doc.PageSetting.BottomMargin = 10 \'设置下边距 For Each region As String In Regions rm = new prt.RenderEmpty \'定义一个新的空对象 rm.BreakBefore = prt.BreakEnum.Page \'打印前换页 doc.Body.Children.Add(rm) rx = New prt.RenderText rx.Style.Font = New Font("黑体", 120, FontStyle.Bold) \' rx.Style.FontBold = True rx.Style.Spacing.Bottom = 2 rx.Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Center rx.Text = Region doc.Body.Children.Add(rx) rt = New prt.RenderTable rt.Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Center \'水平居中 rt.Style.TextAlignVert = prt.AlignVertEnum.Center \'垂直居中 rt.Style.GridLines.All = New prt.LineDef(0.3,Color.black) rt.Style.Spacing.Bottom = 2 rt.CellStyle.Spacing.All = 1 \' rt.Height = 250 rt.Style.Font = New Font("宋体", 40) \'设置字体 Rows = tbl.DataTable.Select("[考试室] = \'" & region & "\'") For c As Integer = 0 To ColNames.Length - 1 \' For r As Integer = 0 To Rows.Count -1 rt.Cells(r,c).Text = Rows(r)(ColNames(c)) Next Next rt.RowGroups(0,1).Header = prt.TableHeaderEnum.All doc.Body.Children.Add(rt) Next doc.preview() End If