-- 作者:yyzlxc
-- 发布时间:2011/9/26 10:30:00
-- [求助]关于按钮代码(四楼新问题也已解决)
生成临时表的按钮代码如下: Dim dtb As New DataTableBuilder("设备折旧2") dtb.AddDef("名称", Gettype(String), 16) dtb.AddDef("产权单位", Gettype(String), 16) dtb.Build() DataTables("设备折旧2").Fill("Select * From {设备折旧}", "SCGL", False) MainTable= Tables("设备折旧2")
\'产权单位 Select Case e.DataCol.Name Case "去向" If e.DataRow.IsNull("去向") And e.DataRow.IsNull("产权单位") Then e.DataRow("停用日期")=Nothing Else If e.DataRow.IsNull("去向") Then Dim mydate As Date = Forms("设备管理").Controls("DateTimePicker1").Text Dim y As Integer = mydate.Year Dim m As Integer = mydate.Month Dim Days As Integer = Date.DaysInMonth(y,m) Dim d As Date = New Date(y,m,Days) e.DataRow("停用日期") = d Dim dr As DataRow = DataTables("设备目录").Find("[设备编号] = \'" & e.DataRow("设备编号") & "\'") If dr IsNot Nothing Then dr("产权单位") = e.DataRow("产权单位") End If End If End If End Select \'折旧结束 Select Case e.DataCol.Name Case "停用日期" If e.DataRow.IsNull("停用日期") Then e.DataRow("折旧结束") = Nothing Else Dim dt As Date = e.DataRow("停用日期") e.DataRow("折旧结束") = new Date(dt.year,dt.month,Date.DaysInMonth(dt.year,dt.month)) End If End Select \'折旧月数 Select Case e.DataCol.Name Case "折旧开始","折旧结束" If e.DataRow.IsNull("折旧开始") And e.DataRow.IsNull("折旧结束") Then e.DataRow("折旧月数")=Nothing Else Dim d1 As Date = e.DataRow("折旧开始") Dim d2 As Date = e.DataRow("折旧结束") If d1>d2 e.DataRow("折旧月数") = 0 Else e.DataRow("折旧月数") = (d2.year - d1.year) * 12 + (d2.month - d1.month) + 1 End If End If End Select
[此贴子已经被作者于2011-9-26 13:04:36编辑过]
-- 作者:狐狸爸爸
-- 发布时间:2011/9/26 10:44:00
For Each nr As DataRow In DataTables("设备折旧2").DataRows If nr.IsNull("去向") And nr.IsNull("产权单位") Then nr("停用日期")=Nothing Else If nr.IsNull("去向") Then Dim mydate As Date = Forms("设备管理").Controls("DateTimePicker1").Text Dim y As Integer = mydate.Year Dim m As Integer = mydate.Month Dim Days As Integer = Date.DaysInMonth(y,m) Dim d As Date = New Date(y,m,Days) nr("停用日期") = d Dim dr As DataRow = DataTables("设备目录").Find("[设备编号] = \'" & nr("设备编号") & "\'") If dr IsNot Nothing Then dr("产权单位") = nr("产权单位") End If End If End If If nr.IsNull("停用日期") Then nr("折旧结束") = Nothing Else Dim dt As Date = nr("停用日期") nr("折旧结束") = new Date(dt.year,dt.month,Date.DaysInMonth(dt.year,dt.month)) End If If nr.IsNull("折旧开始") And nr.IsNull("折旧结束") Then nr("折旧月数")=Nothing Else Dim d1 As Date = nr("折旧开始") Dim d2 As Date = nr("折旧结束") If d1>d2 nr("折旧月数") = 0 Else nr("折旧月数") = (d2.year - d1.year) * 12 + (d2.month - d1.month) + 1 End If End If Next
-- 作者:yyzlxc
-- 发布时间:2011/9/26 12:32:00
\'当月折旧 If nr.IsNull("折旧开始") And nr.IsNull("折旧结束") Then nr("当月折旧")=Nothing Else Dim mydate As Date = Forms("设备管理").Controls("DateTimePicker1").Text Dim y As Integer = mydate.Year Dim m As Integer = mydate.Month Dim a As Date = New Date(y,m,1) \'月初 Dim Days As Integer = Date.DaysInMonth(y,m) Dim b As Date = New Date(y,m,Days) \'月底 Dim c As Date = nr("折旧开始") Dim d As Date = nr("折旧结束") Dim f As Byte = DataTables("设备折旧").Compute("Sum(折旧月数)","[设备编号] = \'" & e.NewValue & "\'") \'同设备编号的折旧月数合计 Dim g As Byte = nr("折旧年限") If c > d OrElse b < c OrElse a > d OrElse f > g*12 Then nr("当月折旧")= 0 Else nr("当月折旧") = nr("月折旧费") End If End If
\'折旧累计 Dim tq,tq1,yf,js As Double Dim ys,i As Integer Select Case e.DataCol.Name Case "设备编号" Dim dr As DataRow = e.DataRow If e.DataCol.Name = "设备编号" Then tq = DataTables("设备折旧").Compute("Sum(折旧累计)","[设备编号] = \'" & e.NewValue & "\'and [启用日期] < #" & dr("启用日期") & "#") \'此行同设备编号在启用日期以前发生的折旧累计 tq1 = tq End If ys = dr("折旧月数") yf = dr("月折旧费") js = dr("折旧基数") For i = 0 To 100 If i = ys Then Exit For End If If js - tq > yf Then tq = tq + yf Else tq = tq + ( js - tq ) End If Next tq = tq - tq1 dr("折旧累计") = tq \' End If End Select
[此贴子已经被作者于2011-9-26 12:39:43编辑过]