以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.net/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.net/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- 这个语句在数据库中执行是正确的,确定时出错 (http://foxtable.net/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=143039) |
-- 作者:xxfoxtable -- 发布时间:2019/11/12 12:34:00 -- 这个语句在数据库中执行是正确的,确定时出错 cmd.CommandText="S ELECT "cregno" = a.cregno,"cguestname" = (Case left(a.cregno,1) when \'S\' then \'非住客\' else (s elect cguestname from ft_his_xs_reg_1 where cregno = a.cregno) end),"cguesttype" = (Case left(a.cregno,1) when \'S\' then \'非住客\' when \'T\' then \'团体\' else (s elect cguesttype from ft_his_xs_reg_1 where cregno = a.cregno) end), & _ "cpaytype" = (Case isnull(cyjflag,\'N\') when \'Y\' then \'押金\' else (case when a.npayamt >= 0 then \'结帐收款\' else \'结帐退款\' end ) end),"paywayno" = a.cpaywayno, "paywayname" = IsNull(c.cpaywayname,a.cpaywayno), "face" = a.nface, "ngetamt" = a.ngetamt, "change" = a.nchange, & _ "npayamt" = a.npayamt, "voucherno" = a.cvoucherno, "memo" = a.cmemo, "operID" = a.coperID, "operdate" = a.dt_oper, "croomno" = (Case left(a.cregno,1) when \'T\' then \'团体\' when \'S\' then \'非住客\' else a.croomno end) , "croomno1" = (Case left(a.cregno,1) when \'T\' then \'团体\' when \'S\' then \'非住客\' else a.croomno end) , & _ "ccomputer" = a.ccomputer FROM ft_his_xs_pay_2 a, ft_pu_payway c WHERE ( a.cpaywayno *= c.cpaywayno ) And ( a.dt_oper >= 开始时间 ) And ( a.dt_oper < 结束时间 ) And ( a.dt_oper >= \'" & dtp1.value &"\') And ( a.dt_oper < \'" & dtp2.value &"\')"
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2019/11/12 13:40:00 -- 把列名的双引号全部去掉,如"cregno" 改为cregno |
-- 作者:xxfoxtable -- 发布时间:2019/11/12 14:02:00 -- 去掉双引号后出现如下错误 |
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2019/11/12 14:25:00 -- cmd.CommandText="S ELECT a.cregno,(Case left(a.cregno,1) when \'S\' then \'非住客\' else (s elect cguestname from ft_his_xs_reg_1 where cregno = a.cregno) end) as cguestname,(Case left(a.cregno,1) when \'S\' then \'非住客\' when \'T\' then \'团体\' else (s elect cguesttype from ft_his_xs_reg_1 where cregno = a.cregno) end) as cguesttype, .... |