以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.net/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.net/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- 有时可打开,大部分时间打不开 (http://foxtable.net/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=150070) |
-- 作者:夏许多雪 -- 发布时间:2020/5/20 9:55:00 -- 有时可打开,大部分时间打不开 有一个移动开发项目,在合同评审中,有时可打开,有时打不开。请帮我看一下什么原因。 要点多次后有时会打开,打开后的页面如下:
经常是空白页面。要点5、6次,有时会打开。 contractreview函数代码如下: \'打开需要合同评审的单位 Dim e As RequestEventArgs = args(0) Dim un As String = e.cookies("un") Dim page As Integer = 0 \'默认page为0,显示第一页 If e.GetValues.ContainsKey("crpage") Then \'如果地址中有page参数 Integer.TryParse(e.GetValues("crpage"), page) \'提取page参数 End If Dim Id As Integer If e.GetValues.ContainsKey("crid") Then Integer.TryParse(e.GetValues("crid"), Id) End If Dim wb As new WeUI Dim dr As DataRow = DataTables("职卫订单").Find("_identify = \'" & Id & "\'") If dr IsNot Nothing Then wb.AddForm("","form1","default.htm") With wb.AddInputGroup("form1","ipg1","合同评审") With .AddInput("订单编号","订单编号","text") .value = dr("订单编号") .Readonly = True End With With .AddInput("客户名称","客户名称","text") .value = dr("客户名称") .Readonly = True End With With .AddInput("业务员","业务员","text") .value = dr("业务员") .Readonly = True End With .AddInput("审核人","审核人","text").value = un .AddInput ("审核日期","审核日期","date").value = Date.Today End With Dim usg As String Dim tr As DataRow = DataTables("用户").find("Name = \'" & un & "\'") If tr IsNot Nothing Then usg = tr("Config") End If If usg Like "*业务*" Then With wb.AddcheckGroup("form1","chk","业务审核") .Add("rv","业务审核") End With ElseIf usg Like "*采样*" Then With wb.AddcheckGroup("form1","chk","采样审核") .Add("rv","采样审核") End With ElseIf usg Like "*评价*" Then With wb.AddcheckGroup("form1","chk","评价审核") .Add("rv","评价审核") End With ElseIf usg Like "*分析*" Then With wb.AddcheckGroup("form1","chk","分析审核") .Add("rv","分析审核") End With End If With wb.AddInputGroup("form1","ipg2","审核意见") If usg Like "*业务*" Then .AddTextArea("业务意见") ElseIf usg Like "*采样*" Then .AddTextArea("采样意见") ElseIf usg Like "*评价*" Then .AddTextArea("评价意见") ElseIf usg Like "*分析*" Then .AddTextArea("分析意见") End If End With End If e.WriteString(wb.Build) [此贴子已经被作者于2020/5/20 10:52:23编辑过]
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2020/5/20 10:06:00 -- 贴出httprequest事件的代码。直接贴代码即可,不要像一楼那样发那种带行号的代码 |
-- 作者:夏许多雪 -- 发布时间:2020/5/20 10:13:00 -- httprequest代码: Dim wb As new WeUI Dim verified As Boolean Dim un As String = e.cookies("username") Dim pw As String = e.cookies("password") If e.path = "logon.htm" Then If e.postvalues.containskey("username") AndAlso e.postvalues.containskey("password") Then un = e.postvalues("username") pw = e.postvalues("password") End If End If If verified AndAlso e.path = "logon.htm" Then wb.AppendCookie("username",un) wb.AppendCookie("password",pw) wb.InsertHTML("<meta http-equiv=\'Refresh\' c>") e.writestring(wb.build) Return ElseIf verified = False AndAlso e.path <> "logon.htm" Then wb.AppendHTML("<meta http-equiv=\'Refresh\' c>") e.writestring(wb.Build) Return End If Select Case e.path \'登录页面 Case "dlist.htm" Functions.Execute("dlist",e) Return Case "fxlist.htm" Functions.Execute("fxlist",e) Return Case "fxdlist.htm" Functions.Execute("fxdlist",e) Return Case "fxdedit.htm" Functions.Execute("fxdedit",e) Return Case "fxedit.htm" Functions.Execute("fxedit",e) Return Case "contractlist.htm" Functions.Execute("contractlist",e) Return Case "contractreview.htm" Functions.Execute("contractreview",e) End Select e.writestring(wb.Build) [此贴子已经被作者于2020/5/20 10:51:19编辑过]
-- 作者:夏许多雪 -- 发布时间:2020/5/20 10:15:00 -- table.js文件 function edit(){ location="edit.htm?page=" + table1.pagenumber + "&key=" + table1.primarykey; } function dedit(){ location="dedit.htm?dpage=" + table1.pagenumber + "&doid=" + table1.primarykey; } function dlist(){ location="dlist.htm?lpage=0&loid=" + table1.primarykey; } function bedit(){ location="bedit.htm?page=" + table1.pagenumber + "&key=" + table1.primarykey; } function fxedit(){ location="fxedit.htm?page=" + table1.pagenumber + "&key=" + table1.primarykey; } function fxdlist(){ location="fxdlist.htm?fxlpage=0&fxloid=" + table1.primarykey; } function fxdedit(){ location="fxdedit.htm?fxdpage=" + table1.pagenumber + "&fxdoid=" + table1.primarykey; } function contractreview(){ location="contractreview.htm?crpage=" + table1.pagenumber + "&crid=" + table1.primarykey; } function logon() { location = "logon.htm" } |
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2020/5/20 10:26:00 -- Functions.Execute("fxedit",e) Return Case "contractlist.htm" Functions.Execute("contractlist",e) Return Case "contractreview.htm" Functions.Execute("contractreview",e) Return End Select e.writestring(wb.Build)
-- 作者:夏许多雪 -- 发布时间:2020/5/20 10:40:00 -- 谢谢,因为前面有问题,我删除了,加上后好像可以了。 |
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2020/5/20 10:44:00 -- 必须加上return,不然会导致e.writestring重复调用,就会出现1楼描述的问题 |