以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.net/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.net/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- 如何精准截取字符(已解决) (http://foxtable.net/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=176975) |
-- 作者:hongye -- 发布时间:2022/5/5 14:10:00 -- 如何精准截取字符(已解决) Dim Vu As String = "在派生类中重写时,获取当前 Encoding 的代码页标识符" Dim s As Integer = 19 Dim Vu1 As String = Vu.SubString(0, s) Dim c As Integer = (Vu1.Length * 2 - Encoding.default.GetBytes(Vu1).length) / 2 Output.Show(c & " " & Vu1 & " " & Vu1.Length & " " & Encoding.default.GetBytes(Vu1).length) Dim Vu2 As String = Vu.SubString(0, s + c) Dim e As Integer = (Vu2.Length * 2 - Encoding.default.GetBytes(Vu2).length) / 2 Output.Show(e & " " & Vu2 & " " & Vu2.Length & " " & Encoding.default.GetBytes(Vu2).length) Dim g As Integer = e - c Dim Vu3 As String = Vu.SubString(0, s + c + g) Output.Show(e & " " & Vu3 & " " & Vu3.Length & " " & Encoding.default.GetBytes(Vu3).length) 目的是截断第38个字节,使其在文本框中实现自动换行 这个看似可以但是有没有更简便的方法? 我使用在 Dim Vu As String Dim Multi As String = s1 Dim Values() As String Values = Multi.split(",") Dim Value As String For i As Integer = 0 To Values.Count - 1 Dim sbu As New StringBuilder Dim c = Encoding.default.GetBytes(Values(i)) \' msgbox(c.length) Dim d As Double d = Values(i).Length*2 - c.length \' msgbox(Values(i) & d) Dim sd As Double sd = d \\ 2 \' msgbox("差数" & sd) If c.length > 42 Then Do While Values(i).length > 20 + sd sbu.AppendLine(Values(i).SubString(0, 20 + sd)) Values(i) = Values(i).SubString(20 + sd) Loop End If sbu.Append(Values(i)) Vu = Vu & "," & sbu.ToString Next Value = Vu.Trim(",").Replace(",", vbcrlf) \' Output.Show(Value) lb14.Visible = True lb14.Text = "备注: " & vbcrlf & Value \'vbcrlf & s1.Replace(",", vbcrlf) [此贴子已经被作者于2022/5/5 20:32:33编辑过]
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2022/5/5 15:11:00 -- 基本也就只能这样了 |
-- 作者:hongye -- 发布时间:2022/5/5 20:10:00 -- Dim lb1 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label1") Dim lb2 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label2") Dim lb3 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label3") Dim lb4 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label4") Dim lb5 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label5") Dim lb6 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label6") Dim lb7 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label7") Dim lb8 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label8") Dim lb9 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label9") Dim lb10 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label10") Dim lb11 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label11") Dim lb12 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label12") Dim lb13 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label13") Dim lb14 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label14") If DataTables("窗口3_Table1").DataRows.Count = 0 Then \'如果是一个空表 Return \'那么返回 Else If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("面料识别号") = False Then lb1.Text = "面料识别号: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("面料识别号") Else lb1.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("客户编号") = False Then lb2.Text = "客户编号: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("客户编号") Else lb2.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("面料名称") = False Then lb3.Text = "面料名称: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("面料名称") Else lb3.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("面料门幅") = False Then lb4.Text = "面料门幅: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("面料门幅") & " Cm" Else lb4.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("面料克重") = False Then lb5.Text = "面料克重: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("面料克重") & " g/m2" Else lb5.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("色号") = False Then lb6.Text = "面料色号: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("色号") Else lb6.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("颜色") = False Then lb7.Text = "面料颜色: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("颜色") Else lb7.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("品牌") = False Then lb8.Text = "品牌: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("品牌") Else lb8.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("款号") = False Then lb9.Text = "款号: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("款号") Else lb9.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("件数") = False Then lb10.Text = "件数: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("件数") Else lb10.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("数量") = False Then lb11.Text = "成品数量: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("数量") & " Kg" Else lb11.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("交货日期") = False Then lb12.Text = "交货日期: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("交货日期") Else lb12.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("交货单位") = False Then lb13.Visible = True lb13.Text = "交货单位: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("交货单位") Else lb13.Visible = False End If Dim s1 As String = Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("备注").Replace(", ", ",").Replace(", ", ",").Replace(" ,", ",").Replace(" ,", ",").Replace(vbcrlf, ",").Replace(vbtab, ",").Replace(" ", ",").Replace(",", ",").Replace(" ,", ",").Replace("(备注", ",(备注") If s1 <> "" Then Dim Vu As String Dim Multi As String = s1 Dim Values() As String Values = Multi.split(",") Dim Value As String For i As Integer = 0 To Values.Count - 1 Dim sbu As New StringBuilder msgbox("1") Dim ite As Integer = 18 msgbox("2") Dim szb As String = Values(i).SubString(0, ite) msgbox(szb) Dim c As Integer = (szb.Length * 2 - Encoding.default.GetBytes(szb).length) / 2 msgbox(c) Dim szc As String = Values(i).SubString(0, ite + c) Dim l As Integer = (szc.Length * 2 - Encoding.default.GetBytes(szc).length) / 2 msgbox(e) Dim g As Integer = l - c If Encoding.default.GetBytes(Values(i)).length > 42 Then Do While Values(i).SubString(0, ite + c + g) sbu.AppendLine(Values(i).SubString(0, ite + c + g)) Values(i) = Values(i).SubString(0, ite + c + g) Loop End If sbu.Append(Values(i)) Vu = Vu & "," & sbu.ToString Next Value = Vu.Trim(",").Replace(",", vbcrlf) lb14.Visible = True lb14.Text = "备注: " & vbcrlf & Value Else lb14.Visible = False End If End If 怎么回事?哪里错了? |
-- 作者:hongye -- 发布时间:2022/5/5 20:32:00 -- Dim lb1 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label1") Dim lb2 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label2") Dim lb3 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label3") Dim lb4 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label4") Dim lb5 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label5") Dim lb6 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label6") Dim lb7 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label7") Dim lb8 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label8") Dim lb9 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label9") Dim lb10 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label10") Dim lb11 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label11") Dim lb12 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label12") Dim lb13 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label13") Dim lb14 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label14") If DataTables("窗口3_Table1").DataRows.Count = 0 Then \'如果是一个空表 Return \'那么返回 Else If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("面料识别号") = False Then lb1.Text = "面料识别号: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("面料识别号") Else lb1.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("客户编号") = False Then lb2.Text = "客户编号: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("客户编号") Else lb2.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("面料名称") = False Then lb3.Text = "面料名称: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("面料名称") Else lb3.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("面料门幅") = False Then lb4.Text = "面料门幅: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("面料门幅") & " Cm" Else lb4.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("面料克重") = False Then lb5.Text = "面料克重: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("面料克重") & " g/m2" Else lb5.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("色号") = False Then lb6.Text = "面料色号: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("色号") Else lb6.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("颜色") = False Then lb7.Text = "面料颜色: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("颜色") Else lb7.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("品牌") = False Then lb8.Text = "品牌: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("品牌") Else lb8.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("款号") = False Then lb9.Text = "款号: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("款号") Else lb9.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("件数") = False Then lb10.Text = "件数: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("件数") Else lb10.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("数量") = False Then lb11.Text = "成品数量: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("数量") & " Kg" Else lb11.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("交货日期") = False Then lb12.Text = "交货日期: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("交货日期") Else lb12.Visible = False End If If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull("交货单位") = False Then lb13.Visible = True lb13.Text = "交货单位: " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("交货单位") Else lb13.Visible = False End If Dim s1 As String = Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("备注").Replace(", ", ",").Replace(", ", ",").Replace(" ,", ",").Replace(" ,", ",").Replace(vbcrlf, ",").Replace(vbtab, ",").Replace(" ", ",").Replace(",", ",").Replace(" ,", ",").Replace("(备注", ",(备注") If s1 <> "" Then Dim Vu As String Dim Multi As String = s1 Dim Values() As String Values = Multi.split(",") Dim Value As String For i As Integer = 0 To Values.Count - 1 Dim sbu As New StringBuilder If Encoding.default.GetBytes(Values(i)).length > 42 Then Dim ite As Integer = 21 Dim szb As String = Values(i).SubString(0, ite) Dim c As Integer = (szb.Length * 2 - Encoding.default.GetBytes(szb).length) / 2 Dim szc As String = Values(i).SubString(0, ite + c) Dim l As Integer = (szc.Length * 2 - Encoding.default.GetBytes(szc).length) / 2 Dim g As Integer = l - c Do While Values(i).length > ite + c + g sbu.AppendLine(Values(i).SubString(0, ite + c + g)) Values(i) = Values(i).SubString(ite + c + g) Loop End If sbu.Append(Values(i)) Vu = Vu & "," & sbu.ToString Next Value = Vu.Trim(",").Replace(",", vbcrlf) lb14.Visible = True lb14.Text = "备注: " & vbcrlf & Value Else lb14.Visible = False End If End If |
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2022/5/5 20:56:00 -- dim srr() as string = {"面料识别号","客户编号","面料名称",....} If DataTables("窗口3_Table1").DataRows.Count = 0 Then \'如果是一个空表 Return \'那么返回 Else ‘中间可以优化一下 for i as integer = 0 to srr.length - 1 Dim lb1 As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label" & (i+1)) If Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current.IsNull(srr(i)) = False Then lb1.Text = srr(i) & ": " & Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current(srr(i)) Else lb1.Visible = False End If next Dim s1 As String = Tables("窗口3_Table1").Current("备注").Replace(", ", ",").Replace(", ", ",").Replace(" ,", ",").Replace(" ,", ",").Replace(vbcrlf, ",").Replace(vbtab, ",").Replace(" ", ",").Replace(",", ",").Replace(" ,", ",").Replace("(备注", ",(备注") If s1 <> "" Then …… |