
-  Foxtable(狐表)  (http://foxtable.net/bbs/index.asp)
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----  索引超出了数组界限  (http://foxtable.net/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=186983)

--  作者:edisontsui
--  发布时间:2023/6/13 8:05:00
--  索引超出了数组界限
    With e.Form.Controls("textbox1")
        Dim ctn1() As String = DataTables("出入库").SQLGetComboListString("物料编号", "[出入年月] =  \'" & .Value & "\' and [来源] =  \'" & "自做" & "\'").Split("|")
        \'msgbox("ctn1.length=" & ctn1.length) \'数据正确
        For s1 As Integer = 0 To ctn1.length - 1
            msgbox("s1=" & s1) \'这句会显示 s1 = 0, 然后出现“索引超出了数组界限”的提示

            Dim ctn2() As String = DataTables("出入库").SQLGetComboListString("出入原因", "[出入年月] =  \'" & .Value & "\' and [来源] =  \'" & "自做" & "\' and [物料编号] =  \'" & ctn1(s1 - 1) & "\'").Split("|")
            msgbox("ctn2.length=" & ctn2.length) 这句就不出来了。
            For s2 As Integer = 0 To ctn2.length - 1
            msgbox("s2=" & s2)

                Dim ctn3() As String = DataTables("出入库").SQLGetComboListString("不含税单价", "[出入年月] =  \'" & .Value & "\' and [来源] =  \'" & "自做" & "\' and [物料编号] =  \'" & ctn1(s1 - 1) & "\' and [出入原因] =  \'" & ctn2(s2 - 1) & "\'").Split("|")
                For s3 As Integer = 0 To ctn3.length - 1
                msgbox("s3=" & s3)
                    Dim qty1 As Single = Tables("出入库").Compute("sum(入库数量)", "出入年月 = \'" & .Value & "\' and 来源 =  \'" & "自做" & "\' and 物料编号 =  \'" & ctn1(s1 - 1) & "\' and 出入原因 =  \'" & ctn2(s2 - 1) & "\' and 不含税单价 =  \'" & ctn3(s3 - 1) & "\' ")
                    Dim qty2 As Single = Tables("出入库").Compute("sum(出库数量)", "出入年月 = \'" & .Value & "\' and 来源 =  \'" & "自做" & "\' and 物料编号 =  \'" & ctn1(s1 - 1) & "\' and 出入原因 =  \'" & ctn2(s2 - 1) & "\' and 不含税单价 =  \'" & ctn3(s3 - 1) & "\' ")
                    Dim dr1 As DataRow = DataTables("库存明细").Find("出入年月 = \'" & .Value & "\' and 物料编号 =  \'" & ctn1(s1 - 1) & "\' and 出入原因 =  \'" & ctn2(s2 - 1) & "\' and 不含税单价 =  \'" & ctn3(s3 - 1) & "\'")
                    If dr1 IsNot Nothing Then
                        Dim dr2 As DataRow = DataTables("库存明细").AddNew()
                        dr2("出入年月") = .Value
                        dr2("物料编号") = ctn1(s1 - 1)
                        dr2("出入原因") = ctn2(s2 - 1)
                        dr2("入库数量") = qty1

                    End If
    end with


--  作者:有点蓝
--  发布时间:2023/6/13 8:28:00
s1 = 0,那么s1 - 1就是-1,索引是不会有-1 的,所以【ctn1(s1 - 1)就出错了
--  作者:edisontsui
--  发布时间:2023/6/13 11:54:00
Dim ctn3() As String = DataTables("出入库").SQLGetComboListString("不含税单价", "[出入年月] =  \'" & .Value & "\' and [来源] =  \'" & "自做" & "\' and [物料编号] =  \'" & ctn1(s1 - 1) & "\' and [出入原因] =  \'" & ctn2(s2 - 1) & "\'").Split("|")

--  作者:有点蓝
--  发布时间:2023/6/13 12:06:00
单价为0其实就是没有数据,要来有什么用?这种情况如果需要自己最后补一个为0 的值不就行了