以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.net/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.net/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- 移动开发函数 (http://foxtable.net/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=192654) |
-- 作者:g1j2h3 -- 发布时间:2024/7/9 18:54:00 -- 移动开发函数 下边的代码为什么跳转后不显示 Dim e As RequestEventArgs = args(0) Dim wb As New weui Dim Verified As Boolean \'用于标记用户是否通过了身份验证 Dim UserName As String = e.Cookies("username") \'从cookie中获取用户名 Dim Password As String = e.Cookies("password") \'从cookie中获取用户密码 If e.Path = "logon.htm" Then\'如果是通过登录页面访问,从PostValues即可中提取用户名和密码 If e.PostValues.ContainsKey("username") AndAlso e.PostValues.ContainsKey("password") Then UserName = e.PostValues("username") Password = e.PostValues("password") End If End If If UserName = "张三" AndAlso Password = "888" Then \'实际使用的时候,请改为从数据库读取用户名和密码进行比较 Verified = True ElseIf Username = "李四" AndAlso Password = "999" Then Verified = True End If If Verified AndAlso e.Path = "logon.htm" Then \'如果用户访问的是登录页,且身份验证成功 wb.AppendCookie("username", UserName) \'将用户名和密码写入cookie wb.AppendCookie("password", Password) wb.InsertHTML("<meta http-equiv=\'Refresh\' c>") \'直接跳转到首页 e.WriteString(wb.Build) \'生成网页 Return "" \'必须的 ElseIf Verified = False AndAlso e.Path <> "logon.htm" Then \'如果用户身份验证失败,且访问的不是登录页面 wb.InsertHTML("<meta http-equiv=\'Refresh\' c>") \'那么直接跳转到登录页面 e.WriteString(wb.Build) \'生成网页 Return "" \'必须的 End If Select Case e.path Case "logon.htm","" wb.AddPageTitle("", "pageheader", "库存查询", "由XXX开发") If e.PostValues.ContainsKey("username") AndAlso e.PostValues.ContainsKey("password") Then \'判断是否是验证失败后的重新登录 wb.AddTopTips("", "toptip1", "用户名或密码错误!").msec = 2000 \'如果用户通过登录按钮访问,则给用户一个2秒的提示. End If wb.AddForm("", "form1", "logon.htm") With wb.AddInputGroup("form1", "ipg1") .AddInput("username", "户名", "text") .AddInput("password", "密码", "password") End With With wb.AddButtonGroup("form1", "btg1", True) .Add("btn1", "登录", "submit") End With Case "exit.htm" \'退出登录 wb.DeleteCookie("username") \'清除cookie中原来的用户名和密码 wb.DeleteCookie("password") wb.InsertHTML("<meta http-equiv=\'Refresh\' c>") \'那么直接跳转到登录页面 Case "", "default.htm" \'首页 wb.AddPageTitle("", "pageheader", "库存查询", "由XXX开发") With wb.AddGrid("", "g1") .Add("c1", "增加订单", "./images/button.png").Attribute = "" .Add("c2", "客户管理", "./images/cell.png", "http://www.foxtable.com") .Add("c3", "销售统计", "./images/toast.png", "http://www.foxtable.com") .Add("c4", "退出", "./images/exit.png", "exit.htm") \'退出登录 End With End Select e.WriteString(wb.Build) \'生成网页 跳转后出现页面显示为 foxtable web server has started(error 404). |
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2024/7/9 20:12:00 -- 浏览器输入的是什么地址? 另外代码不完整,重新把完整代码放到记事本发上来
-- 作者:g1j2h3 -- 发布时间:2024/7/9 21:52:00 -- 浏览器地址是: httprequest的代码是: S elect Case e.Path Case "logon.htm" Functions.Execute("logon", e) End S elect 跳转到default.htm的页面时出错
[此贴子已经被作者于2024/7/9 21:54:57编辑过]
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2024/7/9 22:25:00 -- 1、1楼【Case "logon.htm",""】改为【Case "logon.htm"】 2、httprequest的代码改为: Select Case e.Path Case "","logon.htm","exit.htm","default.htm" Functions.Execute("logon", e) End S elect