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-- 作者:苏州老街 -- 发布时间:2025/1/20 18:01:00 -- [求助]计算 老师好,我想在下面代码中再增加两个计算条件。标出的是新增条件。 Select Case e.DataCol.Name Case "客户id","商品名称","摘要","付款金额" Dim drs As List(of DataRow) Dim Filter As String Filter = "[_Identify] >= " & e.DataRow("_Identify") & " And [客户id] = \'" & e.DataRow("客户id") & "\'" drs = e.DataTable.Select(Filter)
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2025/1/20 20:23:00 -- Select Case e.DataCol.Name Case "客户id","商品名称","摘要","付款金额" Dim drs As List(of DataRow) Dim Filter As String Filter = "[_Identify] >= " & e.DataRow("_Identify") & " And [客户id] = \'" & e.DataRow("客户id") & "\' and [商品名称] = \'" & e.DataRow("商品名称") & "\' and .........." drs = e.DataTable.Select(Filter) For i As Integer = 0 To drs.Count - 1 Dim dr = drs(i) If i = drs.Count - 1 Then Filter = "[_Identify] <= " & dr("_Identify") & " And [客户id] = \'" & dr("客户id") & "\' and [商品名称] = \'" & e.DataRow("商品名称") & "\' and .........." Dim Val1 As Double = e.DataTable.Compute("Sum(付款金额)",Filter) dr("累计付款") = Val1 Else dr("累计付款") = Nothing End If Next If e.DataCol.Name = "客户id" AndAlso e.OldValue IsNot Nothing AndAlso e.OldValue <> e.NewValue Then Filter = "[_Identify] > " & e.DataRow("_Identify") & " And [客户id] = \'" & e.OldValue & "\' and [商品名称] = \'" & e.DataRow("商品名称") & "\' and .........." drs = e.DataTable.Select(Filter) For i As Integer = 0 To drs.Count - 1 Dim dr = drs(i) If i = drs.Count - 1 Then Filter = "[_Identify] <= " & dr("_Identify") & " And [客户id] = \'" & dr("客户id") & "\' and [商品名称] = \'" & e.DataRow("商品名称") & "\' and .........." Dim Val1 As Double = e.DataTable.Compute("Sum(付款金额)",Filter) dr("累计付款") = Val1 Else dr("累计付款") = Nothing End If Next End If If e.DataCol.Name = "商品名称" AndAlso e.OldValue IsNot Nothing AndAlso e.OldValue <> e.NewValue Then Filter = "[_Identify] > " & e.DataRow("_Identify") & " And [商品名称] = \'" & e.OldValue & "\' and [客户id] = \'" & e.DataRow("客户id") & "\' and .........." drs = e.DataTable.Select(Filter) For i As Integer = 0 To drs.Count - 1 Dim dr = drs(i) If i = drs.Count - 1 Then Filter = "[_Identify] <= " & dr("_Identify") & " And [商品名称] = \'" & e.OldValue & "\' and [客户id] = \'" & e.DataRow("客户id") & "\' and .........." Dim Val1 As Double = e.DataTable.Compute("Sum(付款金额)",Filter) …… If e.DataCol.Name = "摘要" AndAlso e.OldValue IsNot Nothing AndAlso e.OldValue <> e.NewValue Then Filter = "[_Identify] > " & e.DataRow("_Identify") & " And [摘要] = \'" & e.OldValue & "\' and [商品名称] = \'" & e.DataRow("商品名称") & "\' and .........." …… End Select
-- 作者:苏州老街 -- 发布时间:2025/1/20 22:55:00 -- 谢谢老师 |