以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.net/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.net/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- [讨论] FB如何让头像变灰? (http://foxtable.net/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=32727) |
-- 作者:don -- 发布时间:2013/5/7 11:12:00 -- [讨论] FB如何让头像变灰? 百度来的头像变灰的方法,请高手转为FB可用的代码: 一. procedure Gray(bmp: TBitmap); var p: PByteArray; w: Integer; i, j: Integer; begin bmp.pixelformat := pf24bit; for i := 0 to bmp.height - 1 do begin p := bmp.scanline[i]; j := 0; while j < (bmp.width-1) * 3 do begin w :=(p[j] * 28 + p[j+1] * 151 + p[j+2]*77); w := w shr 8; p[j] := byte(w); p[j+1] := byte(w); p[j+2] := byte(w); inc(j, 3) end; end; end; 二. 微软做好的,GDI+绘制代码: Graphics graphics(hdc); Image myImage(L"Image.jpg"); RectF source(0.0f, 0.0f, 330.0f, 300.0f); RectF destination(20.0f, 20.0f, 330.0f, 300.0f); DrawImage(graphics, &myImage, destination, source, UnitPixel, NULL); // 绘制原始图像 RectF destination2(420.0f, 20.0f, 330.0f, 300.0f); #define GRAY 32/256.0f /* gray/full, 0 - 256 : black to white, 16 - 64 is recommended */ #define GRAY 0.125f /* 0.000 - 1.000 : black to white, 0.062 - 0.250 is recommended */ #define FULL 1.000f #define ZERO 0.000f // 自由转换 ColorMatrix matrix = { GRAY, GRAY, GRAY, FULL, ZERO, GRAY, GRAY, GRAY, FULL, ZERO, GRAY, GRAY, GRAY, FULL, ZERO, GRAY, GRAY, GRAY, FULL, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, FULL, }; ImageAttributes attributes; attributes.SetColorMatrix(&matrix); DrawImage(graphics, &myImage, destination2, source, UnitPixel, &attributes); // 绘制转换图像 DrawImage 是自定义函数 C/C++ code void DrawImage(Graphics& graphics, Image* image, RectF& destination, RectF& source, Unit unit, ImageAttributes* attributes) { graphics.DrawImage(image, destination, source.X, source.Y, source.Width, source.Height, unit, attributes); } |
-- 作者:blackzhu -- 发布时间:2013/5/7 11:57:00 -- 全局的apI 通不过哦 |
-- 作者:Bin -- 发布时间:2013/5/7 12:02:00 -- Windows.Forms.ControlPaint.DrawImageDisabled(Graphics.FromImage(图像), 图像, 0, 0, Color.Transparent) 直接使用这段代码就可以的了. |
-- 作者:Bin -- 发布时间:2013/5/7 12:22:00 -- 如果希望用代码实现,(可控性比较高) 可以参考我的代码. 可以实现任意灰度,反色 颜色修改等. Dim SImage As Image = Image.FromFile("C:\\Users\\foxtable1\\Desktop\\70b70d98-1228-4487-93a5-6f7056628d00.jpg") Dim Height As Integer = SImage.Height Dim Width As Integer = SImage.Width Dim bitmap As Bitmap = new Bitmap(Width, Height) Dim MyBitmap As Bitmap= SImage Dim pixel As Color For x As Integer = 0 To Width-1 For y As Integer = 0 To Height-1 pixel = MyBitmap.GetPixel(x, y) Dim r As Integer = 0 Dim g As Integer = 0 Dim b As Integer = 0 Dim Result As Integer = 0 r = pixel.R g = pixel.G b = pixel.B Dim iType As Integer = 2 Select Case iType Case 0 \'平均值法 Result = ((r + g + b) / 3) Case 1 \'最大值法 Result = IIF(r > g ,r , g) Result = IIF(Result > b,Result,b) Case 2 \'加权平均值法 Result = ((0.7 * r) + (0.2 * g) + (0.1 * b)) End Select bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(Result, Result, Result)) Next Next bitmap.Save("C:\\Users\\foxtable1\\Desktop\\28d00.jpg") |
-- 作者:qq121454970 -- 发布时间:2013/5/7 12:24:00 -- 高手 ![]() |
-- 作者:hanxuntx -- 发布时间:2013/5/7 12:28:00 -- 好贴收藏 |
-- 作者:don -- 发布时间:2013/5/7 12:29:00 -- 高手动手了,学习! |
-- 作者:blackzhu -- 发布时间:2013/5/7 12:37:00 -- 保留着 学习 |
-- 作者:blackzhu -- 发布时间:2013/5/7 13:08:00 -- Windows.Forms.ControlPaint.DrawImageDisabled(Graphics.FromImage(图像), 图像, 0, 0, Color.Transparent) 完整的语法是怎样的?
-- 作者:don -- 发布时间:2013/5/7 13:28:00 -- 同问,不知如何设置保存位置 , Dim SImage As Image = Image.FromFile("D:\\8d00.jpg") Dim bcmage As Image = Image.SaveFile("D:\\800.jpg") \' Image.SaveFile报错