Dim Book As New XLS.Book(ProjectPath & "Attachments\\德国发票分组.xls")
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim sm As String
Dim sms As List(Of String)
sms = DataTables("Invoice3").GetValues("pksm")
For i As Integer = 0 To sms.Count - 1
sm = sm & chr(10) & sms(i)
sm= sm.Trim(chr(10))
Dim w As String = Tables("Invoice1").Current("Invoiceno")
w = w.Replace("/","-")
Book.Save(ProjectPath & "Reports\\发票1\\" & w & ".xls")
Dim Sheet As XLS.Sheet = Book.Sheets(0)
\'Dim sm As String = Tables("pkl1").Current("pksm")
\'If Tables("pkl1").Current.Isnull("pksm") =True Then
\'Sheet.Rows(12).Visible = False
\'End If
\'If Tables("pkl1").Current.Isnull("rem") =True Then
\'Sheet.Rows(Sheet.Rows.Count-4).Visible = False
\'End If
\'With Sheet.PrintSetting
\'.Footer = "&R( 文件:&f )...Page &P Of &N"
\'End With
\'With Sheet.PrintSetting
\'.Footer = "&LP.&P Of &N"
\'End With
With Sheet.PrintSetting
.Header = "&C&U&""Arial Narrow""&14 INVOICE NO. " & w & ""
End With
Book.Save(ProjectPath & "Reports\\发票1\\" & w & ".xls")
Dim App As New MSExcel.Application
App.Visible = True
Dim Wb As MSExcel.WorkBook = App.WorkBooks.Open(ProjectPath & "Reports\\发票1\\" & w & ".xls")
Dim Ws As MSExcel.WorkSheet = Wb.WorkSheets(1)
Dim range As MSExcel.Range
\'\'Dim rng As Integer
lastrow = Ws.usedrange.rows.count
\'If Tables("pkl1").Current.Isnull("pksm") =False Then
\'range = Ws.Range("B13")
\'End If
\'\'Dim dt As Table = Tables("Invoice2")
\'\'If dt.rows(0).Isnull("pksm") = False Then
\'\'Ws.Range("B" & 14).EntireRow.Insert(MSExcel.XlInsertShiftDirection.xlShiftDown)\'在基准单元格上面插入一行
\'\'Ws.Range("B" & 14).Value =dt.rows(0)("pksm")
\'\'Ws.Range("B" & 14).HorizontalAlignment = MSExcel.Constants.xlLeft
\'\'End If
Dim n1 As Integer = lastrow
Dim n2 As Integer = 0
\'MessageBox.Show("od:" & n1)
\'\'Dim c As Integer = 0
For i As Integer = 21 To n1
If Ws.Range("F" & i).Value Like "ORDER*" Then
n2 = n2 +1
End If
For i As Integer = 22 To n1+n2
\'\'If dt.rows(i-14).Isnull("pksm") = False Then
\'\' Ws.Range("B" & i+c).EntireRow.Insert(MSExcel.XlInsertShiftDirection.xlShiftDown)\'在基准单元格上面插入一行
\'\' Ws.Range("B" & i+c).Value =dt.rows(i-14)("pksm")
\'\'Ws.Range("B" & i+c).HorizontalAlignment = MSExcel.Constants.xlLeft
\'\' End If
If Ws.Range("F" & i).Value Like "ORDER*" Then
Ws.Range("C" & i).EntireRow.Insert(MSExcel.XlInsertShiftDirection.xlShiftDown)\'在基准单元格上面插入一行
i = i+1
End If
\'\'n1 = n1+1
lastrow = Ws.usedrange.rows.count - 1
\'MessageBox.Show("od:" & lastrow)
range = Ws.Range("A"& lastrow)
Dim rs As String = Range.Value
Dim Values() As String
Values = rs.split(chr(13) & chr(10))
\'MessageBox.Show("od:" & Values.Length)
range.EntireRow.RowHeight = Values.Length*18
\'\'MessageBox.Show("od:" & n1)
\'\'lastrow = Ws.usedrange.rows.count-3
\'\'rng = ws.range(Ws.cells(14,1),Ws.cells(lastrow-1,1)).entirerow.autofit
\'\'If Tables("pkl1").Current.Isnull("rem") =False Then
\'\'range = Ws.Range("A"& lastrow)
\'\'Dim rs As String =Ws.Range("A"& lastrow).Value
\'\'Dim Values() As String
\'\'Values = rs.split(chr(13) & chr(10))
\'Ws.Range("Q"& lastrow).Value = Values.Length
\'\'End If
\'\'Dim n As Integer = lastrow-1
\'\'For i As Integer = 14 To n
\'\'range = Ws.Range("A"& i)
\'\'Dim Chr As MSExcel.Characters = range.Characters(5,15)
\'\'With Chr.Font
\'\'.Name = "Calibri" \'字体
\'\' .Size = 7 \'字号
\'\' \'.Bold = True \'加粗
\'\' \'.Italic = True \'斜体
\'\' \'.ColorIndex = 3\'颜色
\'\'End With
With Ws.PageSetup
.PrintTitleRows = Ws.Rows("1:19").Address
\'.CenterHeader = "&20"
End With
\'Dim TotalPages As Integer
\'TotalPages = App.ExecuteExcel4Macro("Get.Document(50)")
\'Ws.Range("M7").Value = TotalPages
\'\'Dim PageCount As Integer
\'\'PageCount = (Ws.HPageBreaks.Count + 1)
\'PageCount = (Ws.HPageBreaks.Count + 1) * (Ws.VPageBreaks.Count + 1)
\'\'Ws.Range("M7").Value = PageCount