- Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.net/bbs/index.asp)
-- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.net/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2)
---- 窗口统计求助 (http://foxtable.net/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=5258)
-- 作者:实话实说
-- 发布时间:2009/12/3 23:52:00
-- 窗口统计求助
这是表AfterSelRangeChange时间代码 if Forms("主窗口").Opened then Dim Sum,Average,Count As Integer With CurrentTable Sum = CurrentTable.Aggregate(AggregateEnum.Sum, .TopRow, .LeftCol, .BottomRow, .RightCol) Average = CurrentTable.Aggregate(AggregateEnum.Average, .TopRow, .LeftCol, .BottomRow, .RightCol) Count = CurrentTable.Aggregate(AggregateEnum.Count, .TopRow, .LeftCol, .BottomRow, .RightCol) End With Forms("主窗口").Controls("Label1").text =" 累计: " & Cstr(sum) & " 平均: " & Cstr(Average) & " 计数: " & Cstr(Count) & " " end if
对身份证号码字段出错,其它正常,请帮忙改进 此主题相关图片如下:snap1.jpg
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-12-3 23:52:33编辑过]
-- 作者:实话实说
-- 发布时间:2009/12/4 0:02:00
-- 作者:mr725
-- 发布时间:2009/12/4 0:09:00
身份证号码 列有需要求累计值和平均值吗? 排除调这一列吧。
-- 作者:czy
-- 发布时间:2009/12/4 0:27:00
if Forms("主窗口").Opened then Dim t as Table = CurrentTable For c As Integer = t.LeftCol To t.RightCol If c = 0 then Return End IF If t.Cols(c).IsNumeric = False Then Return End If Next Dim Sum,Average,Count As Integer Sum = CurrentTable.Aggregate(AggregateEnum.Sum, t.TopRow, t.LeftCol, t.BottomRow, t.RightCol) Average = CurrentTable.Aggregate(AggregateEnum.Average, t.TopRow, t.LeftCol, t.BottomRow, t.RightCol) Count = CurrentTable.Aggregate(AggregateEnum.Count, t.TopRow, t.LeftCol, t.BottomRow, t.RightCol) Forms("主窗口").Controls("Label1").text =" 累计: " & Cstr(sum) & " 平均: " & Cstr(Average) & " 计数: " & Cstr(Count) & " " end if