-- 作者:有点甜
-- 发布时间:2015/3/22 22:39:00
Dim img As image = getimage("d:\\test.jpg") Dim _saturation As Integer = 50 \'0-100 Dim _lightness As Integer = 50 \'0-100 Dim _hue As Integer = 50 \'0-360
Const c1o60 As Double = 1 / 60 Const c1o255 As Double = 1 / 255 Dim result As Bitmap = New Bitmap(img) result.SetResolution(img.HorizontalResolution, img.VerticalResolution) Dim bmpData As BitmapData = result.LockBits( _ New Rectangle(0, 0, result.Width, result.Height), _ ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, img.PixelFormat) Dim pixelBytes As Integer = _ System.Drawing.Image.GetPixelFormatSize(img.PixelFormat) \\ 8 \'Get the address of the first line. Dim ptr As IntPtr = bmpData.Scan0 Dim size As Integer = bmpData.Stride * result.Height Dim pixels(size - 1) As Byte Dim index As Integer Dim R, G, B As Double Dim H, S, L, H1 As Double Dim min, max, dif, sum As Double Dim f1, f2 As Double Dim v1, v2, v3 As Double Dim sat As Double = 127 * _saturation / 100 Dim lum As Double = 127 * _lightness / 100 \'Copy the RGB values into the array. System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptr, pixels, 0, size) \'Main loop. For Row As Integer = 0 To result.Height - 1 For Col As Integer = 0 To result.Width - 1 index = (Row * bmpData.Stride) + (Col * pixelBytes) R = pixels(index + 2) G = pixels(index + 1) B = pixels(index + 0) \'Conversion to HSL space. min = R If (G < min) Then min = G If (B < min) Then min = B max = R : f1 = 0.0 : f2 = G - B If (G > max) Then max = G : f1 = 120.0 : f2 = B - R End If If (B > max) Then max = B : f1 = 240.0 : f2 = R - G End If dif = max - min sum = max + min L = 0.5 * sum If (dif = 0) Then H = 0.0 : S = 0.0 Else If (L < 127.5) Then S = 255.0 * dif / sum Else S = 255.0 * dif / (510.0 - sum) End If H = (f1 + 60.0 * f2 / dif) If H < 0.0 Then H += 360.0 If H >= 360.0 Then H -= 360.0 End If \'Apply transformation. H = H + _hue If H >= 360.0 Then H = H - 360.0 S = S + sat If S < 0.0 Then S = 0.0 If S > 255.0 Then S = 255.0 L = L + lum If L < 0.0 Then L = 0.0 If L > 255.0 Then L = 255.0 \'Conversion back to RGB space. If (S = 0) Then R = L : G = L : B = L Else If (L < 127.5) Then v2 = c1o255 * L * (255 + S) Else v2 = L + S - c1o255 * S * L End If v1 = 2 * L - v2 v3 = v2 - v1 H1 = H + 120.0 If (H1 >= 360.0) Then H1 -= 360.0 If (H1 < 60.0) Then R = v1 + v3 * H1 * c1o60 ElseIf (H1 < 180.0) Then R = v2 ElseIf (H1 < 240.0) Then R = v1 + v3 * (4 - H1 * c1o60) Else R = v1 End If H1 = H If (H1 < 60.0) Then G = v1 + v3 * H1 * c1o60 ElseIf (H1 < 180.0) Then G = v2 ElseIf (H1 < 240.0) Then G = v1 + v3 * (4 - H1 * c1o60) Else G = v1 End If H1 = H - 120.0 If (H1 < 0.0) Then H1 += 360.0 If (H1 < 60.0) Then B = v1 + v3 * H1 * c1o60 ElseIf (H1 < 180.0) Then B = v2 ElseIf (H1 < 240.0) Then B = v1 + v3 * (4 - H1 * c1o60) Else B = v1 End If End If \'Save new values. pixels(index + 2) = CByte(R) pixels(index + 1) = CByte(G) pixels(index + 0) = CByte(B) Next Next \'Copy the RGB values back to the bitmap System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(pixels, 0, ptr, size) \'Unlock the bits. result.UnlockBits(bmpData)