
-  Foxtable(狐表)  (http://foxtable.net/bbs/index.asp)
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--  作者:shiliang
--  发布时间:2015/6/9 15:54:00
--  为什么不起作用
 Select Case e.DataCol.Name
        Case "部门类别"
            Dim bmlbs As List(Of String) = DataTables("部门信息表").GetValues("部门类别")
              Dim lydws As List(Of String) = DataTables("部门信息表").GetValues("领用单位表名")
            For Each  bmlb As String In bmlbs
                If DataTables("部门信息表").Datacols.Contains(bmlb) Then
                    If e.DataRow("部门类别") = bmlb Then
                         For Each  lydw As String In lydws
                            If DataTables("部门信息表").Datacols.Contains(lydw) Then
                                e.DataRow("分配表名") = lydw
                            End If
                    End If
                End If
    End Select


--  作者:Bin
--  发布时间:2015/6/9 15:56:00
你要做什么? 出现什么问题? 

--  作者:shiliang
--  发布时间:2015/6/9 15:59:00
部门信息表含有“部门类别” “领用单位表”两列,在另一表中填入部门类别,领用单位列自动从部门信息表提取领用单位表填入。
--  作者:大红袍
--  发布时间:2015/6/9 16:04:00




--  作者:shiliang
--  发布时间:2015/6/9 16:08:00
Select Case e.DataCol.Name
        Case "出库单号"
            Dim bmcls As List(Of String) = DataTables("部门信息表").GetValues("领用单位表名")
            For Each  bmcl As String In bmcls
                If DataTables.Contains(bmcl) Then
                    Dim dh As DataRow = DataTables(bmcl).Find("[出库单号] = \'" & e.NewValue & "\'")
                    If dh IsNot Nothing Then
                        e.Cancel = True
                    End If
                    \'Dim ckdh As DataRow = DataTables(bmcl).Find("[出库单号] = \'" & e.NewValue & "\'")
                    If dh Is Nothing Then
                        \'Dim bms As List(Of String) = DataTables("部门").GetValues("部门类别")
                        \' For Each  bm As String In bms
                        \'  If DataTables.Contains(bm) Then
                        If e.DataRow("记账") = True And e.DataRow("分配表名") = bmcl Then
                            Dim nma() As String = {"物料代码","物料名称","规格型号","常用计量单位","加权平均单价","出库数量","出库金额","出库日期","出库单号","作业项目","成本项目","材料用途","领用人"} \'A表数据来源列
                            Dim nmb() As String = {"物料代码","物料名称","规格型号","常用计量单位","加权平均单价","出库数量","出库金额","领用日期","出库单号","作业项目","成本项目","材料用途","领用人"} \'B表数据接收列
                            Dim dr As DataRow = DataTables(bmcl).AddNew()
                            For i As Integer = 0 To nma.Length - 1
                                dr(nmb(i)) = e.DataRow(nma(i))
                        End If
                        \' End If
                        \' Next
                    End If
                End If
    End Select

--  作者:shiliang
--  发布时间:2015/6/9 16:09:00
--  作者:shiliang
--  发布时间:2015/6/9 16:10:00
 下载信息  [文件大小:   下载次数: ]

--  作者:shiliang
--  发布时间:2015/6/9 16:10:00
--  作者:大红袍
--  发布时间:2015/6/9 16:26:00

别的表 Datacolchanging 事件有影响


Select Case e.DataCol.Name
        Case "出库单号"
            Dim bmcls As List(Of String) = DataTables("部门信息表").GetValues("领用单位表名")
            For Each  bmcl As String In bmcls
                If DataTables.Contains(bmcl) Then
                    Dim dh As DataRow = DataTables(bmcl).Find("[出库单号] = \'" & e.NewValue & "\'")
                    If dh IsNot Nothing Then
                        e.Cancel = True
                    End If
                    \'Dim ckdh As DataRow = DataTables(bmcl).Find("[出库单号] = \'" & e.NewValue & "\'")
                    If dh Is Nothing Then
                        \'Dim bms As List(Of String) = DataTables("部门").GetValues("部门类别")
                        \' For Each  bm As String In bms
                        \'  If DataTables.Contains(bm) Then
                        If e.DataRow("记账") = True And e.DataRow("分配表名") = bmcl Then
                            Dim nma() As String = {"物料代码","物料名称","规格型号","常用计量单位","加权平均单价","出库数量","出库金额","出库日期","出库单号","作业项目","成本项目","材料用途","领用人"} \'A表数据来源列
                            Dim nmb() As String = {"物料代码","物料名称","规格型号","常用计量单位","加权平均单价","出库数量","出库金额","领用日期","出库单号","作业项目","成本项目","材料用途","领用人"} \'B表数据接收列
                            Dim dr As DataRow = DataTables(bmcl).AddNew()
                            systemready = False
                            For i As Integer = 0 To nma.Length - 1
                                dr(nmb(i)) = e.DataRow(nma(i))
                            systemready = True
                        End If
                        \' End If
                        \' Next
                    End If
                End If
    End Select

--  作者:shiliang
--  发布时间:2015/6/9 16:28:00