-- 作者:yancheng
-- 发布时间:2016/11/6 17:01:00
-- PrepareEdit事件写入以下代码,不对。
PrepareEdit写入: 请教一下,应该怎么改写,放到哪里合适? If e.IsFocusCell Then Sele ct Case e.Col.Name Case "品牌","用途","信号类型","传输方式","分辨率","外观","供电方式","功能","安装方式","特殊应用","安装环境","四级分部" Dim dr As DataRow = DataTables("材料子类").Find("子目编码 = \'" & e.Row("子目编码") & "\'") If dr Is Nothing Then Return Else Dim dr1 As DataRow = DataTables("材料子类").Find("子目编码 = \'" & e.Row("子目编码") & "\' and 四级分部 = \'" & e.Row("四级分部") & "\' ") If dr1 Is Nothing Then If e.Col.Name ="四级分部" Then \'如果正在编辑的是县市列 \'从行政区域表提取该省市的县市作为列表项目 e.Col.Combolist = DataTables("材料子类").GetComboListString("四级分部", "[子目编码] = \'" & e.Row("子目编码") & "\'") End If \'If MessageBox.show("\'四级分部\'列可设置,是否设置?","提示!",MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)=DialogResult.Yes Then \'\'e.Table.Select(e.Row.Index,e.Table.Cols("四级分部").Index) \'Else Return \'End If Else Dim strs() As String = {"品牌","用途","信号类型","传输方式","分辨率","外观","供电方式","功能","安装方式","安装环境","特殊应用"} For Each str As String In strs If e.Col.Name = str Then \'如果正在编辑的是县市列 \'从行政区域表提取该省市的县市作为列表项目 e.Col.Combolist = DataTables("材料子类").GetComboListString(str, "[子目编码] = \'" & e.Row("子目编码") & "\' and [四级分部] = \'" & e.Row("四级分部") & "\'") End If Next End If End If End Sel ect
End If