Select Case e.DataCol.Name Case "进店视力左眼","进店视力右眼","进店视力双眼","最近测视右眼","最近测视左眼","最近测视双眼","最近测视时间"
If e.DataCol.Name = "客户编号" AndAlso e.DataRow.IsNull("客户编号")=False Then
Dim dr21 As DataRow
Dim dr22 As DataRow
Dim dr23 As DataRow
Dim dr24 As DataRow
Dim dr25 As DataRow
Dim dr26 As DataRow
dr21 = DataTables("理疗管理").Find("[客户编号] = '" & e.DataRow("客户编号") & "' and [左裸眼视力] Is not Null","_Identify") ' 找出该客户编号左眼第一次视力值
dr22 = DataTables("理疗管理").Find("[客户编号] = '" & e.DataRow("客户编号") & "' and [右裸眼视力] Is not Null","_Identify") ' 找出该客户编号右眼第一次视力值
dr23 = DataTables("理疗管理").Find("[客户编号] = '" & e.DataRow("客户编号") & "' and [双裸眼视力] Is not Null","_Identify") ' 找出该客户编号双眼第一次视力值
dr24 = DataTables("理疗管理").Find("[客户编号] = '" & e.DataRow("客户编号") & "' and [左裸眼视力] Is not Null","_Identify Desc") ' 找出该客户编号右眼最后一次视力值
dr25 = DataTables("理疗管理").Find("[客户编号] = '" & e.DataRow("客户编号") & "' and [右裸眼视力] Is not Null","_Identify Desc") ' 找出该客户编号左眼最后一次视力值
dr26 = DataTables("理疗管理").Find("[客户编号] = '" & e.DataRow("客户编号") & "' and [双裸眼视力] Is not Null","_Identify Desc") ' 找出该客户编号双眼最后一次视力值
If dr21 IsNot Nothing Then
e.DataRow("进店视力左眼") = dr21("左裸眼视力")
End If
If dr22 IsNot Nothing Then
End If
If dr23 IsNot Nothing Then
End If
If dr24 IsNot Nothing Then
End If
If dr25 IsNot Nothing Then
End If
If dr26 IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End If
End Select
Select Case e.DataCol.Name
Case "应收金额","实收金额","优惠金额","总次数","剩余次数","消费名称"
Dim pr As DataRow
pr = DataTables("客户管理").Find("客户编号 = '" & e.DataRow("客户编号") & "'")
If pr IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End Select
当收费管理表中的 消费名称列变化是,老是报错,请大师们帮忙。