Dim doc As New PrintDoc '定义一个报表
Dim rt As New prt.RenderTable() '定义一个表格对象
Dim rx As New prt.RenderText() '定义一个文本对象
rt.Style.GridLines.All = New prt.Linedef
Dim tb As Table = Tables("选定排单明细")
Dim Rows As List(Of DataRow)
Dim dh As List(of String) = tb.DataTable.GetValues("排单单号")
Doc.PageSetting.LeftMargin = 10 '设置左边距
Doc.PageSetting.RightMargin = 10 '设置右边距
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Doc.PageSetting.Color = True
rt.CellStyle.Spacing.All = 2
For Each dh1 As String In dh
Dim kh As List(Of String) = tb.DataTable.GetValues("物货其他","排单单号 = '"& dh1 & "'")
rt.BreakAfter = prt.BreakEnum.Page
rt = New prt.RenderTable
rt.Cells(0,0).text = format(Date.Today().AddDays(1),"yyyy年MM月dd日") &"-" & "出货计划"
rt.Cells(0,0).SpanCols = 10 '合并第一行全部单元格,用于显示主标题
rt.Cells(0,0).Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Center '主标题居中
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rt.Cells(1,0).text = " 第[PageNo]页,共[PageCount]页"
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rt.Cells(1,0).Style.Font = New Font("微软雅黑", 10, FontStyle.Bold)
rt.Rows(1).Height = 8
rt.cells(2,0).text = "排单时间:" & Date.Today()
rt.Cells(2,0).SpanCols = 2 '合并0-1,用于显示排单时间,车号,司机.时间点
rt.cells(2,2).text = "排单单号:" & dh1
rt.Cells(2,2).SpanCols = 3 '合并2-3,排单单号
rt.cells(2,5).text = "车号:" & "15620"
rt.Cells(2,5).SpanCols = 2
rt.cells(2,7).text = "司机:" & "梁锋"
rt.Cells(2,7).SpanCols = 2
rt.cells(2,9).text = "早上"
rt.Rows(2).Height = 10
rt.RowGroups(0,3).Header = prt.TableHeaderEnum.All
For p As Integer = 0 To 9
rt.Cells(2,p).Style.Font = New Font("微软雅黑", 9, FontStyle.Bold)
For Each kh1 As String In kh
Dim yz As String = format(tb.DataTable.Compute("sum(库存平方)","[物货其他] = '" & kh1 & "'and [排单单号] = '"& dh1 & "'and [品名] like '椰棕%'")/100,"0.00") & " m3"
Dim E As String = Format(tb.DataTable.Compute("sum(库存平方)","[物货其他] = '" & kh1 & "'and [排单单号] = '"& dh1 & "'and [品名] like '3E棕%'")/100,"0.00") & " m3"
Dim M As String = Format(tb.DataTable.Compute("sum(库存平方)","[物货其他] = '" & kh1 & "'and [排单单号] = '"& dh1 & "'and [品名] like '%棉'")/100,"0.00") & " m3"
rt = New prt.RenderTable
rx = New prt.RenderText
rx.Style.FontSize = 10
rx.Style.FontBold = True
rx.Style.Spacing.All = 2
rx.Text = "客户: " & kh1 & "椰棕:" & yz & " " & "3E:" & E & " " & "棉:" & M
Rows = tb.DataTable.Select("[物货其他] = '" & kh1 & "'and [排单单号] = '"& dh1 & "'")
For c As Integer = 0 To 2
'rt.Cells(4,c).Text = tb.Cols(c).Name
rt.Cols(c).Width = "auto"
rt.Style.TextColor = tb.ForeColor
Dim y As Integer = Round2((Rows.Count)/3,0)
For r As Integer = 0 To y -1
If rows(r)("品名") Like "3E棕*" Then
rt.Cells(r + 4, c).Style.TextColor = tb.DataTable.Styles("3E棕").ForeColor
ElseIf rows(r)("品名") Like "*棉" Then
rt.Cells(r + 4, c).Style.TextColor = tb.DataTable.Styles("棉").ForeColor
End If
rt.Cells(r + 4, c).Text = rows(r)(tb.Cols(c).Name)
For p As Integer = y To y*2-1
If rows(p)("品名") Like "3E棕*" Then
rt.Cells(p-y+4, c+3).Style.TextColor = tb.DataTable.Styles("3E棕").ForeColor
ElseIf Rows(p)("品名") Like "*棉" Then
rt.Cells(p-y+4, c+3).Style.TextColor = tb.DataTable.Styles("棉").ForeColor
End If
rt.Cells(p-y+4, c+3).Text = rows(p)(tb.Cols(c).Name)
For o As Integer = y*2 To Rows.Count-1
If rows(o)("品名") Like "3E棕*" Then
rt.Cells(o-y*2+4,c+6).Style.TextColor = tb.DataTable.Styles("3E棕").ForeColor
ElseIf Rows(o)("品名") Like "*棉" Then
rt.Cells(o-y*2+4,c+6).Style.TextColor = tb.DataTable.Styles("棉").ForeColor
End If
rt.cells(o-y*2+4,c+6).text = Rows(o)(tb.Cols(c).name)
rt.Cols(1).Width = 30
rt.Cols(4).Width = 30
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