Dim dst As WinForm.DataList = Forms("窗口").Controls("DataList1")
For Index As Integer = 0 To dst.Count - 1
If dst.GetChecked(Index) Then
Dim dr As DataRow = dst.GetDataRow(Index)
dr("记录") = true '将 记录 列设为true
if dr("记录") = true then '作标记,打印之后,下次不再打印
Dim doc As New Printdoc
'Doc.PageSetting.LeftMargin = 20 '设置左边距
'Doc.PageSetting.RightMargin = 17 '设置右边距
Doc.Columns.Add() '增加第一栏
Doc.Columns.Add() '增加第二栏
Doc.Columns(0).Spacing = 0 '栏间距0毫米
Dim rt2 As New prt.RenderTable() '定义一个表格对象
rt2.Style.GridLines.All = prt.Linedef.Default '网格线为默认类型
rt2.Cols.Count = 2 '设置总列数
rt2.Cells(0,0).SpanCols = 2 '第1行第1列向右合并2列
rt2.Cells(1,0).SpanCols = 2 '第2行第1列向右合并2列
rt2.Cells(2,0).SpanCols = 2 '第3行第1列向右合并2列
rt2.Cells(3,0).SpanCols = 2 '第4行第1列向右合并2列
rt2.Cells(9,0).SpanCols = 2 '第10行第1列向右合并2列
rt2.Cells(10,0).SpanCols = 2 '第11行第1列向右合并2列
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rt2.Cells(12,0).SpanCols = 2 '第13行第1列向右合并2列
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rt2.Rows(0).Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Center '设置第一行居中
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rt2.Cells(0,0).Style.FontSize = 30 '设置第一行字体
rt2.Cells(1,0).Style.FontSize = 15 '设置第二行字体
rt2.CellStyle.Spacing.All = 1 '行与行之间的间隔
rt2.Cells(0,0).text = "单位"
rt2.Cells(1,0).text = "记录"
rt2.Cells(2,0).text = "管理编号: "
rt2.Cells(3,0).Text = "编号: " & Tables("表A").rows(Index)("编号")
rt2.Cells(4,0).Text = "名称: " & Tables("表A").rows(Index)("名称")
rt2.Cells(4,1).Text = "数量: " & Tables("表A").rows(Index)("数量")
rt2.Cells(5,0).Text = "项目: " & "----"
rt2.Cells(5,1).Text = "依据: " & "------"
rt2.Cells(6,0).Text = "-: " & "------"
rt2.Cells(6,1).Text = "方法: " & "------"
doc.pageheader = rt2 '加入到页眉中
Dim rt As prt.RenderTable
rt = New prt.RenderTable
rt.Style.GridLines.All = prt.Linedef.Default '网格线为默认类型
rt.CellStyle.Spacing.All = 1 '行与行之间的间隔
rt.RowGroups(0,1).Header = prt.TableHeaderEnum.all '将第一行作为表头.
Dim bctbl As dataTable = dataTables("表C")
dim bcrows as list(of datarow)
bcrows = bctbl.select("[编号] = '" & dr("编号") & "'")
'dim bchs as integer = bcrows.count
if bcrows.count < 58 then
for bci as integer = 0 to bcrows.count -1
rt.Cells(0,0).Text = "地点"
rt.Cells(0,1).Text = "编号"
rt.Cells(0,2).Text = "名称"
rt.Cells(0,3).Text = "-"
rt.Cells(bci+1,0).Text = bcrows(bci)("地点")
rt.Cells(bci+1,1).Text = bcrows(bci)("编号")
rt.Cells(bci+1,2).Text = bcrows(bci)("名称")
rt.Cells(bci+1,3).Text = bcrows(bci)("-")
for jia as integer = bci+1 to 58
rt.Cells(jia,3).Text = " "
for bci as integer = 0 to bcrows.count -1
rt.Cells(0,0).Text = "地点"
rt.Cells(0,1).Text = "编号"
rt.Cells(0,2).Text = "名称"
rt.Cells(0,3).Text = "-"
rt.Cells(bci+1,0).Text = bcrows(bci)("地点")
rt.Cells(bci+1,1).Text = bcrows(bci)("编号")
rt.Cells(bci+1,2).Text = bcrows(bci)("名称")
rt.Cells(bci+1,3).Text = bcrows(bci)("-")
for jia2 as integer = bci+1 to 116
rt.Cells(jia2,3).Text = " "
end if
Dim rxx As New prt.RenderTable()
'rxx.Style.GridLines.All = prt.Linedef.Default '是否需要网格
rxx.Cols.Count = 2 '设置总列数
rxx.rows(1).Style.Borders.Bottom = New prt.LineDef
rxx.Cells(0,0).text ="-:"
rxx.Cells(0,1).text ="-:"
rxx.Cells(0,2).text ="-:"
rxx.Cells(0,3).text = "日期:"
rxx.Cells(0,4).text = "-:"
doc.PageFooter = rxx
end if
end if