Dim Wb As MSExcel.WorkBook = App.WorkBooks.Open(ddj)
Dim sheet As MSExcel.WorkSheet = Wb.WorkSheets("卷内目录")
Sheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = ""
Dim nqx As Integer
For nqx = 0 To 1500
If Sheet.Cells(3 + nqx, 4).Value = "" And _
Sheet.Cells(4 + nqx, 4).Value = "" And _
Sheet.Cells(5 + nqx, 4).Value = "" Then
Exit For
End If
Next nqx
Dim hhu As String = "A3:G" & nqx + 2
Dim sb As Integer
For sb = 0 To nqx + 2 + 15
Dim mm As String = 3 + sb & ":" & 3 + sb
If Sheet.Rows(mm).RowHeight < 42.75 Then
Sheet.Rows(mm).RowHeight = 42.75
End If
Next sb
Dim pages
Dim Rg As MSExcel.Range = Sheet.Cells
Dim HBreaks
Dim NumPages
Dim Rng As MSExcel.Range
Dim Sht As MSExcel.WorkSheet = Sheet
app.ActiveWindow.view = 2
HBreaks = Sht.HPageBreaks.Count
NumPages = (HBreaks + 1)
Rng = Sheet.Cells(2 + nqx, 4)
Dim iii As Integer
For iii = 1 To HBreaks
If Sht.HPageBreaks(iii).Location.Row > nqx + 2 Then Exit For '获取此页行号,运行这里出错
Sheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A$1:$G$" & Sht.HPageBreaks(iii).Location.Row -1 '运行这里也出错