Dim gs As String ,dw As String , bb As String ,dfje As Decimal,je As Decimal,mxzje As Decimal
Dim cmd As New SQLCommand
Dim dt As DataTable
cmd.CommandText = "SELEC T 公司,单位,币别,sum(请款金额) as 请款总金额 from 请款单 group by 公司,单位,币别 order by 公司"
dt = cmd.ExecuteReader()
If dt.DataRows.Count > 0 Then
For Each drb As DataRow In dt.DataRows
bb = drb("币别")
gs = drb("公司")
dw = drb("单位")
je = drb("请款总金额")
Dim cmd1 As New SQLCommand
Dim dt1 As DataTable
cmd1.CommandText = "Selec t _identify as 序号, 公司,单位,本期贷方发生额,发生期间 ,应支付期间,付款总金额,请款总金额,币别 FROM 科目余额表 where 公司 = '" & gs & "' " & _
" And 单位 ='" & dw & "' and 币别='" & bb & "'order by 应支付期间 "
dt1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader()
If dt1.DataRows.Count > 0 Then
mxzje = dt1.Compute("sum(本期贷方发生额)","")
dfje=je - mxzje
For Each dra As DataRow In dt1.DataRows
If dra("公司")=gs And dra("单位")=dw And dra("币别")=bb Then
If je>= dra("本期贷方发生额") Then
dra("请款总金额") = dra("本期贷方发生额")
je = je - dra("本期贷方发生额")
dra("请款总金额") = je
je = 0
End If
End If
Dim cmd2 As New SQLCommand
Dim dt2 As DataTable
cmd2.CommandText = "updat e 科目余额表 set 请款总金额 = '" & dra("请款总金额") & "' where _identify = '" & dra("序号") & "'"
dt2 = cmd2.ExecuteReader()
End If
End If