Dim trv1 As WinForm.TreeView = e.Form.Controls("TreeView1")
Dim trv2 As WinForm.TreeView = e.Form.Controls("TreeView2")
Dim nd1 As WinForm.TreeNode = trv1.SelectedNode
Dim dr As DataRow
If e.Node.ParentNode IsNot Nothing Then '取消父节点的选中标记,因为选中子节点,就不要选中父节点了
e.Node.ParentNode.Checked = False
End If
For Each cnd As WinForm.TreeNode In e.Node.Nodes '取消子节点的选中标记,因为选中父节点,就不要选中子节点了
cnd.Checked = False
If nd1.Level = 0 Then
dr = DataTables("授权").Find("分组 = '" & nd1.Name & "' And 权限 Is Null")
dr = DataTables("授权").Find("分组 = '" & nd1.ParentNode.Name & "' And 权限 = '" & nd1.Name & "'")
End If
If dr IsNot Nothing Then
Dim nms As String
For Each nd2 As WinForm.TreeNode In trv2.AllNodes
If nd2.Checked Then
nms = nms & "," & nd2.Name
End If
If nms > "" Then
dr("用户") = nms.Trim(",")
dr("用户") = Nothing
End If
End If
现在用户的目录树勾选是部门和职员是相互排斥的,我想勾选或是取消时部门的时候,部门和和职员一起加入 例如 主管,张珊,单独勾选员工的时候,只有张珊,