Tables("现金录入").sort = "序号"
Dim doc As New PrintDoc '定义一个新报表
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Dim cnt As Integer
Dim tbl As Table = Tables("现金录入")
Dim ColNames As String() = New String(){"线路","车号","纸币","硬币","金额"}
Dim ColWidths As String() = New String(){"20", "25", "25","30","30"}
Dim drs As List(Of DataRow)
Dim Regions As List(Of String) = tbl.DataTable.GetValues("线路","","序号")
For c As Integer = 0 To ColNames.Length - 1
rt.Cells(0,c).Text = ColNames(c)
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rt.cells(0,4).Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Center
For Each pd As String In Regions
drs = tbl.DataTable.Select("[线路] = '" & pd & "'","序号")
Dim m As Integer = drs.count '记录每条线路的行数
For Each dr As DataRow In drs
cnt = rt.Rows.Count '报表总行数
' 这里cnt 以1,3,5,7,9......递增,不能理解.
For c As Integer = 0 To ColNames.Length - 1
If tbl.Cols(ColNames(c)).IsNumeric Then
If dr(ColNames(c)) <> 0 Then
rt.Cells(cnt + 1, c).Text = Format(dr(tbl.Cols(ColNames(c)).Name),"0.0")
rt.Cols(c).Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Right
End If
rt.Cells(cnt + 1, c).Text = dr(tbl.Cols(ColNames(c)).Name)
rt.Cols(c).Style.TextAlignHorz =
End If
cnt = rt.Rows.Count
rt.Cells(cnt, 0).Text = "小计 " & pd
rt.Cells(cnt,2).Text = Format(tbl.compute("Sum(纸币)", "线路 = '" & pd & "'"),"0.0")
rt.Cells(cnt,3).Text = Format(tbl.compute("Sum(硬币)", "线路 = '" & pd & "'"),"0.0")
rt.Cells(cnt,4).Text = Format(tbl.compute("Sum(金额)", "线路 = '" & pd & "'"),"0.0")
rt.Cells(cnt-m,0).SpanRows = m '问题出在此处,应怎样修改?
rt.Cells(cnt,0).SpanCols = 2
cnt = rt.Rows.Count
rt.Cells(cnt, 0).Text = "合计 " '打印合计
rt.Cells(cnt, 2).Text = Format(tbl.compute("Sum(纸币)"),"0.0")
rt.Cells(cnt, 3).Text = Format(tbl.compute("Sum(硬币)"),"0.0")
rt.Cells(cnt, 4).Text = Format(tbl.compute("Sum(金额)"),"0.0")
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Dim tm As Date = e.Form.Controls("DateTimePicker1").value
rx.Text = "车售款明细表 (" & Format(tm,"yyyy年MM月dd日") & ")"
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Dim cmb As String = e.Form.Controls("CheckedComboBox1").value
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