Dim doc As New
PrintDoc() '定义一个报表 |
Dim ra As New prt.RenderArea '定义一个容器 |
Dim rtt2 As New prt.RenderTable() '定义一个表格对象 |
rtt2.name = "tb2" |
'rtt.y = 26 |
rtt2.Width = "100%Parent.Width" |
"8%Parent.Width" |
"25%Parent.Width" |
"25%Parent.Width" |
"10%Parent.Width" |
"10%Parent.Width" |
"%Parent.Width" |
rtt2.Style.TextAlignHorz =
prt.AlignHorzEnum.Center '水平居中 |
rtt2.Style.TextAlignVert =
prt.AlignVertEnum.Center '垂直居 |
rtt2.Cells(0,0).Text="序号" |
rtt2.Cells(0,1).Text= "产品名称" |
rtt2.Cells(0,2).Text="规格型号" |
rtt2.Cells(0,3).Text= "数量" |
rtt2.Cells(0,4).Text="单位" |
rtt2.Cells(0,5).Text="备注" |
rtt2.Style.Padding.Top=2 |
rtt2.Style.Font=New Font("宋体", 12) |
rtt2.Style.GridLines.All = New
prt.Linedef '设置网格线 |
rtt2.CellStyle.Spacing.All = 1 '内容距离网格线1毫米 |
'rtt.Style.Spacing.Top=14 |
rtt2.RowGroups(0,2).Header =
prt.TableHeaderEnum.All '将第一行作为表头. |
'Dim drsa As List(of DataRow) =
DataTables("EntOut").Select("Main_ID = '" &
s("_Identify") & "'") |
'Dim ki As Integer = 0 |
Dim coui As Integer = 3 |
For i As Integer = 0 To 3 - 1 'drsa.Count - 1 |
' ki
+= 1 |
rtt2.Cells(i + 1,0).Text = i + 1 |
rtt2.Cells(i + 1,1).Text=
"111" '
drsa(i)("Mat_Name") |
rtt2.Cells(i + 1,1).Style.TextAlignHorz=prt.AlignHorzEnum.left |
rtt2.Cells(i + 1,2).Text = "222" '
Functions.Execute("ExcelGgtSpec_1",DataTables("EntOut"),drsa(i)) |
rtt2.Cells(i + 1,2).Style.TextAlignHorz=prt.AlignHorzEnum.left |
rtt2.Cells(i + 1,3).Text = "333" ' drsa(i)("EntQuant") |
rtt2.Cells(i + 1,4).Text = "444" ' drsa(i)("_unit") |
rtt2.Cells(i + 1,5).Text = "555" ' drsa(i)("_Remarks") |
doc.Body.Children.Add(rtt2) |
Next |
If coui < 5 Then ' drsa.Count < 5
Then |
For ii As Integer = coui + 1 To
5 + 1 ' drsa.Count + ki + 1 |
rtt2.Cells(ii,0).Text = "" |
rtt2.Rows(ii).Height = 6 |
rtt2.Cells(ii,1).Text = "" |
rtt2.Cells(ii,2).Text = "" |
rtt2.Cells(ii,3).Text = "" |
rtt2.Cells(ii,4).Text = "" |
rtt2.Cells(ii,5).Text = "" |
doc.Body.Children.Add(rtt2) |
Next |
End If |
Dim rt As prt.RenderText |
rt = New prt.RenderText() '创建文本对象 |
rt.Text = "白联 黄联 红联信息 " '设置文本对象的内容 |
rt.Width = 35 '宽度为35毫米 |
rt.Height = 15 '高度为15毫米 |
rt.Style.Spacing.All = 2 '设置各个方向的间隔 |
rt.Style.Borders.All = New prt.Linedef(1, Color.Red) '设置边框 |
rt.Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Center '水平居中 |
rt.Style.TextAlignVert = prt.AlignVertEnum.Center '垂直居中 |
ra.Children.Add(rt) |
doc.Body.Children.Add(ra) '将容器加入到报表 |
doc.Preview() '预览 |