Dim e As RequestEventArgs = args(0)
Dim wb As New WeUI
Sel ect Case e.Path
Case "phdcx.htm"
Dim s As String = "'" & e.GetValues("oid") & "'"
Dim cmd As New SQLCo mmand
cmd.C '记得设置数据源名称
cmd.CommandText = "Se lect Count(*) From {SDPHD}"
cmd.CommandText = "Se lect DJBH AS 单据编号, DM1 AS 店铺代码, SL AS 数量, JE AS 金额 From {SDPHD} Where DJBH =" & s & ""
Dim dt As DataTable = cmd.ExecuteReader
With wb.AddTable("","Table1")
With wb.AddButtonGroup("","btg1", True)
.Add("btn1", "查看详情","","phdmx.htm?oid=" & s)
End With
End With
End Select