.NET Framework 版本:4.0.30319.1
Foxtable 版本:2022.8.18.1
Cannot perform 'Like' operation on System.String and System.Int32.
Dim Filter As String
Dim txt As String = e.Form.Controls("TextBox1").Text
If txt = "" Then
Filter = ""
txt = "'%" & txt & "%'"
Filter = "(车台产品编号 like " & txt & "Or 加工单位 Like " & txt & ")"
End If
Dim txt2 As String = e.Form.Controls("TextBox2").Text
If txt2 > "" Then
If Filter > "" Then
Filter = Filter & " And "
End If
Filter = Filter & "(车台产品编号 like " & txt2 & "Or 加工单位 Like " & txt2 & ")"
End If
If Filter > "" Then
Tables("模具清单_Table03").Filter = Filter
End If