Dim rxh As New prt.RenderTable
rxh.Cells(0,0).Text = "生成日期:" & Date.today
rxh.Cells(0,1).Text = e.Form.Controls("年").value & "年" & e.Form.Controls("月").value & "月现货销售报表"
rxh.Cells(0,2).Text = "第[PageNo]页,共[PageCount]页"
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rrx1.Text = "产品信息"
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rrx2.Text = "销售信息"
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rt.cells(0,1).SpanCols = 2 '合并单元格
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For Each dr In DataTables("进口货物").datarows
If dr("销售日期").year=e.Form.Controls("年").value And dr("销售日期").month=e.Form.Controls("月").value And dr("入库数量")=1 Then
For k=1 To j
rt.rows(i*j+k-1).Height = 5 '设置表格每行的高度
Dim rx1 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx1.Text = "fa piao编号"
rt.Cells(i*j+1, 1).RenderObject = rx1 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx2 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx2.Text = dr("fa piao号码")
rt.Cells(i*j+1, 2).RenderObject = rx2 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx3 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx3.Text = "入库日期"
rt.Cells(i*j+2, 1).RenderObject = rx3 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx4 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx4.Text = dr("入库日期")
rt.Cells(i*j+2, 2).RenderObject = rx4 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx5 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx5.Text = "型号"
rt.Cells(i*j+3, 1).RenderObject = rx5 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx6 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx6.Text = dr("外购型号")
rt.Cells(i*j+3, 2).RenderObject = rx6 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx7 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx7.Text = "颜色编码"
rt.Cells(i*j+4, 1).RenderObject = rx7 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx8 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx8.Text = dr("颜色名称或编码")
rt.Cells(i*j+4, 2).RenderObject = rx8 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx9 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx9.Text = "铜件编号"
rt.Cells(i*j+5, 1).RenderObject = rx9 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx10 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx10.Text = dr("材质说明或编码")
rt.Cells(i*j+5, 2).RenderObject = rx10 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx11 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx11.Text = "单价"
rt.Cells(i*j+6, 1).RenderObject = rx11 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx12 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx12.Text = dr("sys_进货标价")
rt.Cells(i*j+6, 2).RenderObject = rx12 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx13 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx13.Text = "销售日期"
rt.Cells(i*j+1, 3).RenderObject = rx13 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx14 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx14.Text = dr("销售日期")
rt.Cells(i*j+1, 4).RenderObject = rx14 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx15 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx15.Text = "销售单号"
rt.Cells(i*j+2,3).RenderObject = rx15 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx16 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx16.Text = dr("销售单号")
rt.Cells(i*j+2, 4).RenderObject = rx16 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx17 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx17.Text = "成交金额"
rt.Cells(i*j+3,3).RenderObject = rx17 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx18 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx18.Text = dr("成交金额")
rt.Cells(i*j+3, 4).RenderObject = rx18 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx19 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx19.Text = "单位"
rt.Cells(i*j+4,3).RenderObject = rx19 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx20 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx20.Text = dr("单位")
rt.Cells(i*j+4, 4).RenderObject = rx20 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
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rx21.Text = "备注"
rt.Cells(i*j+5,3).RenderObject = rx21 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx22 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx22.Text = "现货销售"
rt.Cells(i*j+5, 4).RenderObject = rx22 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rm As New prt.RenderImage() '定义一个图片对象
rt.Cells(i*j+1,0).SpanRows = 6
If dr1("图片")=""
dr1 = DataTables("产品价格").Find("型号条形码 = '" & dr("型号条形码") & "'")
rm.Image = GetImage("e:\网盘\产品图片\" & dr1("图片").SubString(2))
rm.Style.ImageAlign.AlignHorz = prt.ImageAlignHorzEnum.Center '图片水平居中
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' rm.Width = 18
rm.Height =30
rt.Cells(i*j+1,0).RenderObject = rm '将单元格内容设置为图片对象rm
End If
End If
Dim rx30 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx30.Text = "现货销售统计"
rt.Cells(i*j+1, 0).RenderObject = rx30 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx31 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx31.Text = "现货销售进货标价合计"
rt.Cells(i*j+1, 1).RenderObject = rx31 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx32 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx32.Text = "¥" & 现货销售进货标价合计
rt.Cells(i*j+1, 2).RenderObject = rx32 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx33 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx33.Text = "现货销售成交额合计"
rt.Cells(i*j+1, 3).RenderObject = rx33 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
Dim rx34 As New prt.RenderText '定义一个文本对象
rx34.Text = "¥" & 现货销售成交额合计
rt.Cells(i*j+1, 4).RenderObject = rx34 '将文本对象放置在单元格中
doc.savepdf(e.Form.Controls("存放地址").value & "现货销售月报表(" & e.Form.Controls("年").value & "年" & e.Form.Controls("月").value & "月).pdf")