rt.Style.Font = New Font("宋体", 15 , FontStyle.Bold) '设置文本对象的字体
rt.Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Center '水平居中
rt.Style.TextAlignVert = prt.AlignVertEnum.Center '垂直居中
rt.Style.Borders.All = New prt.Linedef(0, Color.Lavender) '设置边框
rt.Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Center '水平居中
rt.Style.TextAlignVert = prt.AlignVertEnum.Center '垂直居中
rt.Style.GridLines.All = New prt.Linedef
For i As Integer = Tables("发货单号1").TopPosition To Tables("发货单号1").BottomPosition
Dim dr As DataRow = Tables("发货单号1").Rows(i).DataRow
Dim crs As List(of DataRow) = dr.GetChildRows("公斤数录入1")
'If crs.count > 0 Then
' rt.Rows.Count = rt.Rows.count +1
Dim st As Integer = rt.Rows.count - 1 '起始行位置
Dim nt As Integer = st '当前行位置
Dim cp As Integer = 4 '当前列位置
For n As Integer = 0 To crs.count - 1
If crs(n)("接收单位") = "ems" Then
rt.cells(nt+1,cp).text = crs(n)("公斤数")
End If
' rt.cells(st,0).text = dr("地区")
' rt.cells(st,1).text = dr("客户名")
rt.cells(1,0).text = "地区"
rt.cells(1,1).text = "客户名"
rt.cells(1,2).text = "C/T"
rt.cells(1,3).text = "Total"
rt.cells(1,4).text = "重量1"
rt.cells(1,5).text = "重量2"
rt.cells(1,6).text = "重量3"
rt.cells(1,7).text = "重量4"
rt.cells(1,8).text = "重量5"
rt.cells(1,9).text = "重量6"
rt.cells(1,10).text = "重量7"
rt.cells(1,11).text = "重量8"
rt.cells(1,12).text = "重量9"
rt.cells(1,13).text = "重量10"
rt.cells(1,14).text = "电话1"
rt.cells(1,15).text = "电话2"
rt.cells(1,16).text = "发货地址"
For n As Integer = 0 To crs.count - 1
rt.cells(nt+1,cp).text = crs(n)("公斤数")
rt.cells(nt+1,0).text = dr("地区")
rt.cells(nt+1,1).text = dr("发货名")
' rt.cells(nt+1,2).text = crs.count
rt.cells(nt+1,14).text = dr("联系方式1")
rt.cells(nt+1,15).text = dr("联系方式2")
rt.cells(nt+1,16).text = dr("发货地址")
' rt.Cells(nt+1, 3).Text = tbl.compute("Sum(公斤数)")
rt.Cells(st+2, 3).Text = "包"
rt.Cells(st+3, 3).Text = "鞋子"
rt.Cells(st+4, 3).Text = "饰品"
rt.cells(nt+2,cp).text = crs(n)("包")
rt.cells(nt+3,cp).text = crs(n)("鞋子")
rt.cells(nt+4,cp).text = crs(n)("饰品")
' rt.cells(st+3,0).text =dr("发货名")
'rt.cells(nt+3,1).text =dr("联系方式1")
'rt.cells(nt+3,2).text =dr("联系方式2")
'rt.cells(nt+3,3).text =dr("发货地址")
'rt.cells(st+1,7).text = crs.count
'rt.cells(nt+4,0).text =" "
cp = cp + 1
If cp = 7 Then
nt = nt + 2
End If
'rt.Cells(nt+4,0).SpanCols = 8
'rt.Cells(nt+3,1).SpanCols = 2
'rt.Cells(nt+3,3).SpanCols = 2
'rt.Cells(nt+3,5).SpanCols = 3
'rt.Cells(st+1,7).Spanrows = 2
rt.cells(nt+2,cp).Style.FontSize = 10 '字体大小为8磅
rt.cells(st,0).Style.BackColor = Color.Lavender
rt.cells(st,1).Style.BackColor = Color.Lavender
rt.cells(st,2).Style.BackColor = Color.Lavender
rt.cells(st,3).Style.BackColor = Color.Lavender
rt.cells(st,4).Style.BackColor = Color.Lavender
rt.cells(st,5).Style.BackColor = Color.Lavender
rt.cells(st,6).Style.BackColor = Color.Lavender
rt.cells(st,7).Style.BackColor = Color.Lavender
doc.Preview() '预览报表