Dim Filter As String = "审批人员 Like '%" & _UserName & "%' and (审定确认 not Like '%" & _UserName & "%' or 审定确认 Is null) and 审批流程 Like '%编制程序_编制%'" '待审条件
Tables("投标商务待审_Table8").Filter = "_Identify in (-1," & Tables("投标商务待审_Table8").DataTable.GetComboListString("_Identify", filter).replace("|", ",") & ")"
If e.DataCol.Name = "审定完成" Then '窗口投标策划,"投标商务副表时间审批"副本Table8勾选后,投标商务副表对应列打钩(出现多值,多值行勾选后,对应SQL投标商务副表才勾选对应逻辑列
Dim fdr As DataRow = DataTables("投标商务副表").find("任务索引 = '" & e.DataRow("任务索引") & "'")
If fdr IsNot Nothing Then
Dim str As String = e.DataRow("审批流程")
If str.length >= 2 Then
str = str.SubString(0,str.length -2)
If fdr.DataTable.DataCols.Contains(str & "完成") Then
If e.DataRow("审定完成") = False
fdr(str & "完成") = False
Dim c11 As Integer = e.DataTable.compute("count(任务索引)", "任务索引 = '" & e.DataRow("任务索引") & "' and 审批流程 = '" & e.DataRow("审批流程") & "'")
Dim c22 As Integer = e.DataTable.compute("count(任务索引)", "任务索引 = '" & e.DataRow("任务索引") & "' and 审定完成 = true and 审批流程 = '" & e.DataRow("审批流程") & "'")
fdr(str & "完成") = (c11 = c22)
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
[此贴子已经被作者于2016/6/28 11:16:06编辑过]