Dim doc As New PrintDoc '定义一个报表
Dim CurRow As Row = Tables("卷宗入库").Current
Dim tbl As Table = Tables("扫码录入")
Dim Rows As List(Of DataRow)
For i As Integer = tbl.TopRow To tbl.BottomRow
Dim rw As Row = tb1.Rows(i)
''怎么在这里写入代码判断 遍历的行数是符合条件 Tables("扫码录入").Filter("卷宗编号 = '" & currow("卷宗编号") & "'"),然后再进行下面的数据生成呢?
Dim bg3 As New prt.RenderTable() '定义一个表格对象
bg3.Style.GridLines.All = New prt.LineDef '将网格线类型设为默认类型
bg3.CellStyle.Spacing.All = 1 '内容距离网格线1毫米
bg3.Width = 160 '表宽为150毫米
bg3.Height = 50 '表高为150毫米
bg3.Rows.Count = 3 '设置行数
bg3.Cols.Count = 6 '设置列数
bg3.Cells(0,0).text = "卷宗使用信息"
bg3.Cells(0,0).SpanCols = 6 '合并第一行全部单元格,用于显示主标题
bg3.Cells(0,0).Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.left '主标题居中
bg3.Cells(0,0).Style.Font = New Font("宋体", 10, FontStyle.Bold) '设置主标题字体
bg3.Rows(0).Style.Borders.All = New prt.LineDef("0mm", Color.white) '去掉第一行的网格线
bg3.Rows(0).Style.Borders.Bottom = New prt.Linedef '恢复第一行底端的网格线
bg3.Rows(0).Height = 10 '设置第一行的高度,拉开和表格主体的距离.
bg3.Rows(1).Height = 5
bg3.Rows(2).Height = 5
bg3.Cols(0).Width = 40
bg3.Cols(1).Width = 12
bg3.Cols(2).Width = 12
bg3.Cols(3).Width = 10
bg3.Cols(4).Width = 30
bg3.Cols(5).Width = 12
Rows = Tables("扫码录入").Rows(i).DataRow.GetChildRows("卷宗编号")
For r As Integer = 0 To Rows.Count - 1
bg3.Cells(r+2,0).Text = rows(r)("卷宗名称")
bg3.Cells(r+2,1).Text = rows(r)("卷宗册数")
bg3.Cells(r+2,2).Text = rows(r)("分册编号")
bg3.Cells(r+2,3).Text = rows(r)("使用人")
bg3.Cells(r+2,4).Text = rows(r)("录入时间")
doc.Preview() '预览