If Forms("日产量分析").Opened()
Dim t As Table = Tables("日产量分析_table2")
t.Fill(" select A.MakeGro as 班组, Sum( isnull(C.Qty,0)) as 数量,DATEPART(year,d.Workdate)as 年,DATEPART(month,d.Workdate)as 月,D.ArtGD as 交接工段 f rom PQ_Convert_Main d left join PQ_Convert_List C ON d.ID=C.UpID left join PQ_Main A on c.Orderno=a.OrderNo left join bai_ftyno E ON a.ftyno=e.ftyno where ArtGD='车间转QC' and A.MakeGro is not null group by A.MakeGro, D.ArtGd,d.Workdate order by A.MakeGro " , "鼎邦系统",True)
End If
Dim tB As Table = Tables("日产量分析_table2")
With Tables("日产量分析_table2")
If .Current Is Nothing Then
tB.Filter = "False"
tB.Filter = "[年] = " & Date.Today.year & " and [月] = " & Date.Today.Month
End If
End With
Dim dt As DataTable '定义一个数据表变量
Dim cmd As New SQLCommand '定义一个SQL命令
cmd.CommandText = "Select 班组,Sum(数量) As 数量 F rom {日产量分析_table2} Group By 班组"
dt = cmd.ExecuteReader()
Dim Chart As New ChartBuilder '定义一个图表变量
Dim Series As WinForm.ChartSeries '定义一个图系变量
Chart.VisualEffect = True '加上这一行,让你的图表更漂亮
Chart.ChartType = ChartTypeEnum.Bar '图表1类型该为Bar(条形)
' Chart.ChartType2 = ChartTypeEnum.XYPlot '图表2类型该为线形
Chart.DataTable = dt '设置绑定表
Chart.SeriesList.Clear() '清除图表原来的图系
Chart= Forms("日产量分析").Controls("Chart2") ' 引用窗口中的图表
Series = Chart.SeriesList.Add() '增加一个图系
Series.Text = "数量"
Series.X.DataField = "班组" 'X轴绑定到月份列
Series.Y.DataField = "数量" 'Y轴绑定到数量列
' Series = Chart.SeriesList2.Add() '给图表2增加一个图系
' Series.Text = "金额"
' Series.X.DataField = "产品" 'X轴绑定到月份列
' Series.Y.DataField = "金额" 'Y轴绑定到数量列
Chart.LegendVisible = True '显示图列
Chart.LegendCompass= CompassEnum.South '图列显示在南方(底端)
Chart.AxisY.Text = "数量"
' Chart.AxisY2.Text = "金额"
Chart.PrintWidth = 150 '图表宽度为150毫米
Chart.PrintHeight = 100 '图标高度为100毫米