Dim t As Table = e.Form.controls("Table1").Table
Dim ary() As String = Functions.Execute("Xueqi")
If e.Sender.Value IsNot Nothing Then
Dim dlg As New OpenFileDialog
dlg.Filter = "Excel文件|*.xls;*.xlsx"
If dlg.ShowDialog =DialogResult.OK Then
Dim Book As New XLS.Book(dlg.FileName)
Dim Sheet As XLS.Sheet = Book.Sheets(0)
Dim newcount As Integer = 0
Dim oldcount As Integer = 0
If e.Sender.text = "学生基本信息" Then
SQL = "IIF(Len(身份证号) =18,IIF(MID(身份证号,17,1) Mod 2,'男','女'),Null)"
t.Fill("Sel ect 学生编号,学生姓名,身份证号," & SQL & " As 性别,int(datediff('d',IIF(Len(身份证号) =18,MID(身份证号,7,4) & '-' & MID(身份证号,11,2) & '-' & MID(身份证号,13,2)),Cdate(cstr(year(Date()))+'-09-01'))/365.2422) As 年龄,'' As 序号,学籍号,民族,入学年份,父亲姓名,母亲姓名,父亲电话,母亲电话,父亲社保,母亲社保,监护人姓名,支付宝账号,户籍省,户籍县,户籍镇,暂住街道,暂住社区,暂住门牌号 From {学生基本信息} Where IIF(Right('"& ary(1) &"',1) = '1',Year(Date()) - 入学年份+1,IIF(Right('"& ary(1) &"',1) = '2',Year(Date()) - 入学年份)) < 9","数据库",True)
t.Filter = "学生编号 Is Null"
For n As Integer = 2 To Sheet.Rows.Count -1
Dim r As DataRow = t.DataTable.Find("身份证号 = '" & sheet(n, 1).text & "'")
If r Is Nothing Then
r = t.DataTable.AddNew()
Dim max As String = t.DataTable.Compute("Max(学生编号)","学生编号 Like '" & ary(2) & "%'")
If max = "" Then
r("学生编号") = ary(2) & "001"
Dim v As Integer = max.SubString(6,3)
r("学生编号") = ary(2) & format(v +1,"000")
End If
r("性别") = ReadSex(sheet(n, 1).text)
r("年龄") = int((CDate(cstr(Date.Today.Year)+"-09-01") - CDate(ReadBirthday(sheet(n, 1).text))).TotalDays / 365.2422)
r("序号") = "1"
newcount += 1
r("序号") = "2"
oldcount += 1
End If
For i As Integer = 0 To sheet.Cols.Count -1
Dim cname As String = sheet(0, i).text
If t.Cols.Contains(cname) Then
r(cname) = sheet(n, i).Text
End If
msgbox("新增" & newcount & " " & "更新旧数据" & oldcount)
Else If e.Sender.text= "缴学费信息" Then
SQL = "Se lect 学期,班级,a.学生编号,学生姓名,身份证号,'' As 序号,缴费日期,缴费金额,收款人 From {学生基本信息} a Inner JOIN {缴学费} b ON a.学生编号 = b.学生编号 Where 学期 = '"& ary(1) &"' ORDER BY 班级,a.学生编号"
t.Filter = "学生编号 Is Null"
For n As Integer = 2 To Sheet.Rows.Count -1
Dim r As DataRow = t.DataTable.Find("身份证号 = '" & sheet(n, 2).text & "'")
If r Is Nothing Then
r = t.DataTable.AddNew()
dr = DataTables("学生基本信息").SQLFind("身份证号 = '" & sheet(n, 2).text & "'")
If dr Is Nothing Then
Dim max As String = DataTables("学生基本信息").SQLCompute("Max(学生编号)","学生编号 Like '" & ary(2) & "%'")
If max = "" Then
r("学生编号") = ary(2) & "001"
Dim v As Integer = max.SubString(6,3)
r("学生编号") = ary(2) & format(v +1,"000")
End If
r("学生编号") = dr("学生编号")
End If
r("序号") = "1"
newcount += 1
r("序号") = "2"
oldcount += 1
End If
r("学期") = IIF(Right(ary(1),1) ="1",ary(1).Remove(4)& "年秋季",ary(1).Remove(4)& "年春季")
For i As Integer = 0 To sheet.Cols.Count -1
Dim cname As String = sheet(0, i).text
If t.Cols.Contains(cname) Then
r(cname) = sheet(n, i).Text
End If
msgbox("新增" & newcount & " " & "更新旧数据" & oldcount)
Else If e.Sender.text = "缴餐费信息" Then
SQL = "Sel ect 学期,'' As 班级,a.学生编号,学生姓名,身份证号,'' As 序号,缴费日期,缴费金额,收款人 From {学生基本信息} a Inner JOIN {缴餐费} b ON a.学生编号 = b.学生编号 Where 学期 = '"& ary(1) &"' ORDER BY a.学生编号"
t.Filter = "学生编号 Is Null"
For n As Integer = 2 To Sheet.Rows.Count -1
Dim r As DataRow = t.DataTable.Find("身份证号 = '" & sheet(n, 2).text & "'")
If r Is Nothing Then
r = t.DataTable.AddNew()
dr = DataTables("学生基本信息").SQLFind("身份证号 = '" & sheet(n, 2).text & "'")
If dr IsNot Nothing Then
r("学生编号") = dr("学生编号")
End If
r("序号") = "1"
newcount += 1
r("序号") = "2"
oldcount += 1
End If
r("学期") = IIF(Right(ary(1),1) ="1",ary(1).Remove(4)& "年秋季",ary(1).Remove(4)& "年春季")
For i As Integer = 0 To sheet.Cols.Count -1
Dim cname As String = sheet(0, i).text
If t.Cols.Contains(cname) Then
r(cname) = sheet(n, i).Text
End If
msgbox("新增" & newcount & " " & "更新旧数据" & oldcount)
Else If e.Sender.text = "缴车费信息" Then
SQL = "Sele ct 学期,'' As 班级,a.学生编号,学生姓名,身份证号,'' As 序号,缴费日期,缴费金额,接送地点,收款人 From {学生基本信息} a Inner JOIN {缴车费} b ON a.学生编号 = b.学生编号 Where 学期 = '"& ary(1) &"' ORDER BY a.学生编号"
t.Filter = "学生编号 Is Null"
For n As Integer = 2 To Sheet.Rows.Count -1
Dim r As DataRow = t.DataTable.Find("身份证号 = '" & sheet(n, 2).text & "'")
If r Is Nothing Then
dr = DataTables("学生基本信息").SQLFind("身份证号 = '" & sheet(n, 2).text & "'")
If dr IsNot Nothing Then
r = t.DataTable.AddNew()
r("学生编号") = dr("学生编号")
End If
r("序号") = "1"
newcount += 1
r("序号") = "2"
oldcount += 1
End If
r("学期") = IIF(Right(ary(1),1) ="1",ary(1).Remove(4)& "年秋季",ary(1).Remove(4)& "年春季")
For i As Integer = 0 To sheet.Cols.Count -1
Dim cname As String = sheet(0, i).text
If t.Cols.Contains(cname) Then
r(cname) = sheet(n, i).Text
End If
msgbox("新增" & newcount & " " & "更新旧数据" & oldcount)
End If
End If
t.Filter = "序号 = '1' Or 序号 = '2'"
[此贴子已经被作者于2018/12/19 13:13:58编辑过]