Dim rw As WinForm.TopicBar = e.Form.Controls("任务栏")
Dim sy As WinForm.TopicLink = rw.Pages("提醒").Links("试用")
Dim ht As WinForm.TopicLink = rw.Pages("提醒").Links("合同")
Dim sr As WinForm.TopicLink = rw.Pages("提醒").Links("生日")
Dim sfz As WinForm.TopicLink = rw.Pages("提醒").Links("身份证")
sy.Text = "15天内试用到期的员工共有 " & DataTables("员工资料").Compute("count(_identify)","转正日期 <= #" & Date.Today.AddDays(15) &"# And 用工性质 <> '合同工'") & " 人"
ht.Text = "30天内合同终止的员工共有 " & DataTables("员工资料").Compute("count(_identify)","合同终止日 <= #" & Date.Today.AddDays(30) &"# And 用工性质 = '合同工'") & " 人"
sfz.Text = "30天内身份证到期的员工共有 " & DataTables("员工资料").Compute("count(_identify)","身份证有效期 <= #" & Date.Today.AddDays(30) &"# And 用工性质 = '合同工'") & " 人"
Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each dr As DataRow In DataTables("员工资料").DataRows
If dr("出生日期").month = Date.Today.Month Then
i =i +1
End If
sr.text = "本月过生日的员工共有 " & i & " 人"
e.Form.Controls("自启动").checked = GetConfigValue("自启动",False)
想再增加一个提醒,退休日期前三个月提醒,男 60岁 女 50岁 ,资料表里都有出生日期和年龄的数据,请问如何实现