Filter = "[一级架构] = '" & dr("公司名称") & "' And [部门] = '" & dr("部门") & "'"
Dim tr As WinForm.TreeView
Dim nd As WinForm.TreeNode
tr = e.Form.Controls("TreeView1")
nd = tr.SelectedNode
If nd IsNot Nothing Then
Dim pattern As String = "[^\u4e00-\u9fa5]"
Dim txt = nd.Text
Dim str = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(txt , pattern , "")
With Tables("用户信息管理表")
Dim r As Integer
r = .FindRow("[username] is null") '从第一行开始查找
If r >= 0 Then '如果找到的话
MessageBox.Show("不能重复创建空行!", "提示")
'If Tables ("账号设置_table1").Current IsNot Nothing Then '副本表当前行不能为空,不然双击后,当前副本表行为空,选择根目录创建用户信息就报错了
Dim tab As WinForm.TabControl = e.Form.Controls("TabControl1")
tab.SelectedIndex = 1
Dim dr As Row = Tables("用户信息管理表").addnew
If nd.Level = 0 Then
dr("一级架构") = str
ElseIf nd.Level = 1 Then
Dim txt1 = nd.ParentNode.Text
Dim str1 = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(txt1 , pattern , "")
dr("一级架构") = str1
dr("部门") = str
End If
If Tables("用户信息管理表").Current IsNot Nothing Then
Dim max As String
Dim xh As Integer
max = DataTables("用户信息管理表").Compute("Max(序号)")
If max > "" Then '如果存在最大编号
xh = max + 1 '获得最大编号的后三位顺序号,并加1
xh = 1 '否则顺序号等于1
End If
Tables("账号设置_table1").Current("序号") = xh
End If
End If
' End If
End With
With Tables("用户信息管理表")
Dim r As Integer
r = .FindRow("[username] is null") '从第一行开始查找
If r >= 0 Then '如果找到的话
MessageBox.Show("不能重复创建空行!", "提示")
If Tables("用户信息管理表").Current IsNot Nothing Then
Dim max As String
Dim xh As Integer
max = DataTables("用户信息管理表").Compute("Max(序号)")
If max > "" Then '如果存在最大编号
xh = max + 1 '获得最大编号的后三位顺序号,并加1
xh = 1 '否则顺序号等于1
End If
Tables("用户信息管理表").Current("序号") = xh
End If
End If
End With
End if