Dim dlg As new OpenFileDialog
dlg.Filter = "文本文件|*.txt"
If dlg.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
Dim strs As String = FileSys.ReadAllText(dlg.FileName,Encoding.Default)
Dim rs() As String = strs.Split(vbcrlf) 'txt的总行数
Dim k2 As String = rs(2).trim
For i As Integer = 1 To rs.Length - 2 '从第2行开始读取
Dim cs() As String = rs(i).Split("^") '判断总列数
Dim cs9 As Double = val(cs(9).trim.Replace(",", ""))
Dim cs10 As Double = val(cs(10).trim.Replace(",", ""))
Dim dd As DataRow = DataTables("表A").Find("交易日期 = #" & cs(1).trim & "# And 收入 = " & cs9 & " And 支出 = " & cs10 & "")
If dd Is Nothing Then
Dim dr As DataRow = DataTables("表A").Addnew()
For j As Integer = 0 To cs.Length -1
dr("交易日期") = cs(1).trim
dr("收入") = cs9
dr("支出") = cs10
End If
End If