客户名 账单月份 金额 已收金额 月收款状态
A 23-11月 1000 900 未收完(说明:A客户23-11月总金额:1300-总已收1200=100)
B 23-11月 500 500 已收完 (说明:B客户23-11月总金额:500-总已收500=0)
A 23-10月 1000 1000 已收完 (说明:A客户23-10月总金额:1000-总已收1000=0)
A 23-11月 300 300 未收完(说明:A客户23-11月总金额:1300-总已收1200=100)
B 23-10月 1000 1000 已收完 (说明:B客户23-10月总金额:1600-总已收1600=0)
B 23-10月 600 600 已收完 (说明:B客户23-10月总金额:1600-总已收1600=0)
[此贴子已经被作者于2023/12/25 19:24:49编辑过]
客户名 账单月份 金额 已收金额 月收款状态
A 23-11月 1000 900 未收完(说明:A客户23-11月总金额:1300-总已收1200=100)
B 23-11月 500 500 已收完 (说明:B客户23-11月总金额:500-总已收500=0)
A 23-10月 1000 1000 已收完 (说明:A客户23-10月总金额:1000-总已收1000=0)
A 23-11月 300 300 未收完(说明:A客户23-11月总金额:1300-总已收1200=100)
B 23-10月 1000 1000 已收完 (说明:B客户23-10月总金额:1600-总已收1600=0)
B 23-10月 600 600 已收完 (说明:B客户23-10月总金额:1600-总已收1600=0)
If e.DataCol.Name = "bs0130" Then '统计销售订单月收款状态
If e.NewValue Is Nothing Then '
e.DataRow("bs0133") = Nothing '
Dim ddys As DataRow '订单账单已收
Dim ddje As DataRow '订单账单金额
ddje = DataTables("sdbs01").Compute("sum(bs0117)", "[bs01730] = '" & e.NewValue & "' and bs0104 = '" & e.DataRow("bs0104") & "'")
ddys = DataTables("sdbs01").Compute("sum(bs0141)", "[bs01730] = '" & e.NewValue & "' and bs0104 = '" & e.DataRow("bs0104") & "'")
If ddje > ddys Then
e.DataRow("bs0133") = "未收完"
e.DataRow("bs0133") = "已收完"
End If
End If
End If
[此贴子已经被作者于2023/12/25 19:34:55编辑过]
Select Case e.DataCol.name
Case "金额", "已收金额"
If e.DataRow.IsNull("金额") OrElse e.DataRow.IsNull("已收金额") OrElse e.DataRow.IsNull("客户名") OrElse e.DataRow.IsNull("账单月份") Then
e.DataRow("月收款状态") = Nothing
Dim filter As String = "[客户名] = '" & e.DataRow("客户名") & "' and 账单月份 = '" & e.DataRow("账单月份") & "'"
Dim ddje As Integer = e.DataTable.Compute("sum(金额)", filter)
Dim ddys As Integer = e.DataTable.Compute("sum(已收金额)", filter)
If ddje > ddys Then
e.DataTable.replacefor("月收款状态", "未收完", filter)
e.DataTable.replacefor("月收款状态", "已收完", filter)
End If
End If
Case "客户名"
If e.NewValue > "" Then
Dim filter As String = "[客户名] = '" & e.NewValue & "' and 账单月份 = '" & e.DataRow("账单月份") & "'"
Dim ddje As Integer = e.DataTable.Compute("sum(金额)", filter)
Dim ddys As Integer = e.DataTable.Compute("sum(已收金额)", filter)
If ddje > ddys Then
e.DataTable.replacefor("月收款状态", "未收完", filter)
e.DataTable.replacefor("月收款状态", "已收完", filter)
End If
End If
If e.OldValue > "" Then
Dim filter As String = "[客户名] = '" & e.OldValue & "' and 账单月份 = '" & e.DataRow("账单月份") & "'"
Dim ddje As Integer = e.DataTable.Compute("sum(金额)", filter)
Dim ddys As Integer = e.DataTable.Compute("sum(已收金额)", filter)
If ddje > ddys Then
e.DataTable.replacefor("月收款状态", "未收完", filter)
e.DataTable.replacefor("月收款状态", "已收完", filter)
End If
End If
Case "账单月份"
If e.NewValue > "" Then
Dim filter As String = "[客户名] = '" & e.DataRow("客户名") & "' and 账单月份 = '" & e.NewValue & "'"
Dim ddje As Integer = e.DataTable.Compute("sum(金额)", filter)
Dim ddys As Integer = e.DataTable.Compute("sum(已收金额)", filter)
If ddje > ddys Then
e.DataTable.replacefor("月收款状态", "未收完", filter)
e.DataTable.replacefor("月收款状态", "已收完", filter)
End If
End If
If e.OldValue > "" Then
Dim filter As String = "[客户名] = '" & e.DataRow("客户名") & "' and 账单月份 = '" & e.OldValue & "'"
Dim ddje As Integer = e.DataTable.Compute("sum(金额)", filter)
Dim ddys As Integer = e.DataTable.Compute("sum(已收金额)", filter)
If ddje > ddys Then
e.DataTable.replacefor("月收款状态", "未收完", filter)
e.DataTable.replacefor("月收款状态", "已收完", filter)
End If
End If
End Select
你好,我想写在DataColChanged,改了一下,好像不起作用If e.DataCol.Name = "订单编号" Then
If e.NewValue Is Nothing Then
e.DataRow("月收款状态") = Nothing
Dim filter As String = "[客户] = '" & e.DataRow("客户") & "' and 账单月 = '" & e.DataRow("账单月") & "'"
Dim ddje As Integer = e.DataTable.Compute("sum(金额)", filter)
Dim ddys As Integer = e.DataTable.Compute("sum(已收金额)", filter)
If ddje > ddys Then
e.DataTable.replacefor("月收款状态", "未收完", filter)
e.DataTable.replacefor("月收款状态", "已收完", filter)
End If
End If
End If
[此贴子已经被作者于2023/12/26 11:54:14编辑过]